Table of Contents
- Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Networks (SRGAN)
- A Brief Recap of GANs
- Super-Resolution Using GANs
- Configuring Your Development Environment
- Having Problems Configuring Your Development Environment?
- Project Structure
- Creating the Configuration Pipeline
- Building the Data Processing Pipeline
- Implementing the SRGAN Loss Functions
- Implementing the SRGAN
- Implementing the SRGAN Training Script
- Implementing the Final Utility Scripts
- Training the SRGAN
- Creating the Inference Script for the SRGAN
- Training and Visualizations of the SRGAN
- Summary
Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Networks (SRGAN)
Super-resolution (SR) is upsampling a low-resolution image into a higher resolution with minimal information distortion. Since researchers had access to machines strong enough to compute vast amounts of data, significant progress has been made in the super-resolution field, with bicubic resizing, efficient sub-pixel nets, etc.
To understand the importance of super-resolution, one look around today’s technology world will automatically explain it. From preserving old media material (films and series) to enhancing a microscope’s view, super-resolution’s impact is widespread and extremely evident. A robust super-resolution algorithm is extremely important in today’s world.
Since the introduction of generative adversarial networks (GANs) took the deep learning world by storm, it was only a matter of time before a super-resolution technique combined with GAN was introduced.
Today we will learn about SRGAN, an ingenious super-resolution technique that combines the concept of GANs with traditional SR methods.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to implement the SRGAN.
This lesson is the 1st in a 4-part series of GANs 201.
- Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Networks (SRGAN) (this tutorial)
- Enhanced Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Networks (ESRGAN)
- Pix2Pix GAN for Image-to-Image Translation
- CycleGAN for Image-to-Image Translation
To learn how to implement SRGANs, just keep reading.
Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Networks (SRGAN)
Although the GANs are in itself a revolutionary concept, their field of application is still fairly new territory. Introducing GANs in super-resolution wasn’t as simple as it sounds. Simply adding the mathematics behind GANs in a super-resolution-like architecture will not accomplish our goal.
The idea of SRGAN was conceived by combining the elements of efficient sub-pixel nets, as well as traditional GAN loss functions. Before we dive deeper into this, Let’s first go through a brief recap of generative adversarial networks.
A Brief Recap of GANs
The idea of GAN is best described with the most common example of the detective and the counterfeiter (Figure 1).
The counterfeiter tries to produce realistic art pieces, while the detective distinguishes fake art from real ones. The counterfeiter is the generator, and the detective is the discriminator.
An ideal training will generate data that will fool the discriminator into believing that the data belongs to the training dataset.
Note: The most important intuition about GANs is that the data produced by the generator doesn’t have to be a replica of the training data, but it has to look like it belongs to the training data distribution.
Super-Resolution Using GANs
The core concept of GANs is retained in SRGANs (i.e., the min-max function), which makes the generator and discriminator learn in unison by working against each other. SRGAN brings in a few of its own exclusive additions, built on previous research done in this field. Let’s first view the complete architecture of the SRGAN (Figure 2).
Some key points to note:
- The generator network employs residual blocks, where the idea is to keep information from previous layers alive and allow the network to choose from more features adaptively.
- Instead of adding random noise as the generator input, we pass the low-resolution image.
The discriminator network is pretty standard and works as a discriminator would work in a normal GAN.
The standout factor in SRGANs is the perceptual loss function. While the generator and discriminator will get trained based on the GAN architecture, SRGANs use the help of another loss function to reach their destination: the perceptual/content loss function.
The idea is that SRGAN designs a loss function that reaches its goal by also figuring out the perceptually relevant characteristics. So not only is the adversarial loss helping adjust the weights, but the content loss is also doing its part.
The content loss is defined as VGG loss, which means then a pretrained VGG network output is compared pixel-wise. The only way that the real image VGG output and the fake image VGG output will be similar is when the input images themselves are similar. The intuition behind this is that pixel-wise comparison will help compound the core objective of achieving super-resolution.
When the GAN loss and the content loss are combined, the results are really positive. Our generated super-resolution images are extremely sharp and reflective of their high-resolution (hr) counterparts.
In our project, to show the prowess of the SRGAN, we will be comparing it to a pretrained generator and the original high-resolution image. To make our training more efficient, we will be converting our data into TFRecords
Configuring Your Development Environment
To follow this guide, you need to have the OpenCV library installed on your system.
Luckily, OpenCV is pip-installable:
$ pip install opencv-contrib-python $ pip install tensorflow
If you need help configuring your development environment for OpenCV, we highly recommend that you read our pip install OpenCV guide — it will have you up and running in a matter of minutes.
Having Problems Configuring Your Development Environment?
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- Wanting to skip the hassle of fighting with the command line, package managers, and virtual environments?
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Project Structure
We first need to review our project directory structure.
Start by accessing the “Downloads” section of this tutorial to retrieve the source code and example images.
From there, take a look at the directory structure:
!tree . . ├── ├── ├── outputs ├── pyimagesearch │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ └── └── 2 directories, 11 files
In the pyimagesearch
directory, we have:
: Contains an end-to-end configuration pipeline for the complete project,
: Contains functions to aid in data
: Makes the directory act like a python
: Initializes the losses required to train the
: Contains the SRGAN
: Contains the training class which runs the SRGAN
: Contains additional
: Initializes a VGG model for perception loss
In the root directory, we have:
from the dataset we will use.TFRecords
: Draws inference using the trained
: Executes the SRGAN training using
Creating the Configuration Pipeline
There are a lot of factors that are coming into play while implementing SRGAN. For that, we have created a global configuration file to be used throughout the project. Let’s move to the
file located in the pyimagesearch
# import the necessary packages import os # name of the TFDS dataset we will be using DATASET = "div2k/bicubic_x4" # define the shard size and batch size SHARD_SIZE = 256 TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE = 64 INFER_BATCH_SIZE = 8 # dataset specs HR_SHAPE = [96, 96, 3] LR_SHAPE = [24, 24, 3] SCALING_FACTOR = 4 # GAN model specs FEATURE_MAPS = 64 RESIDUAL_BLOCKS = 16 LEAKY_ALPHA = 0.2 DISC_BLOCKS = 4 # training specs PRETRAIN_LR = 1e-4 FINETUNE_LR = 1e-5 PRETRAIN_EPOCHS = 2500 FINETUNE_EPOCHS = 2500 STEPS_PER_EPOCH = 10
On Line 5, the TFDS
dataset is referenced. We are going to use the div2k
dataset for our project. The purpose of this dataset is to aid in image super-resolution research, as it contains a variety of high-resolution images.
On Line 8, we have defined the shard size, which is required to create TFRecords
. This is followed by the training and inference batch sizes on Lines 9 and 10.
On Line 13, the high-resolution image shape is defined. This is our output shape to which the image will be upscaled. The next variable defined is the low-resolution shape, which will act as our input (Line 14).
Accordingly, the scaling factor is defined as 4
(96/24) (Line 15).
On Lines 18-21, the GAN model specs are defined. These are:
: Define the filter size for the CNNsRESIDUAL_BLOCKS
: As explained earlier, the generator utilizes residual blocks, which defines the number of residual blocksLEAKY_ALPHA
: Define thealpha
parameter for our activation function valueDISC_BLOCKS
: Define the blocks for the discriminator
Then we define the training parameters (Lines 24-28), which include:
: The learning rate defines pretraining.FINETUNE_LR
: The learning rate to be used for fine-tuningPRETRAIN_EPOCHS
: The number of epochs defined as pretrainingFINETUNE_EPOCHS
: The number of epochs to be used for fine-tuningSTEPS_PER_EPOCH
: Define the number of steps to run per epoch
# define the path to the dataset BASE_DATA_PATH = "dataset" DIV2K_PATH = os.path.join(BASE_DATA_PATH, "div2k") # define the path to the tfrecords for GPU training GPU_BASE_TFR_PATH = "tfrecord" GPU_DIV2K_TFR_TRAIN_PATH = os.path.join(GPU_BASE_TFR_PATH, "train") GPU_DIV2K_TFR_TEST_PATH = os.path.join(GPU_BASE_TFR_PATH, "test") # define the path to the tfrecords for TPU training TPU_BASE_TFR_PATH = "gs://<PATH_TO_GCS_BUCKET>/tfrecord" TPU_DIV2K_TFR_TRAIN_PATH = os.path.join(TPU_BASE_TFR_PATH, "train") TPU_DIV2K_TFR_TEST_PATH = os.path.join(TPU_BASE_TFR_PATH, "test") # path to our base output directory BASE_OUTPUT_PATH = "outputs" # GPU training SRGAN model paths GPU_PRETRAINED_GENERATOR_MODEL = os.path.join(BASE_OUTPUT_PATH, "models", "pretrained_generator") GPU_GENERATOR_MODEL = os.path.join(BASE_OUTPUT_PATH, "models", "generator") # TPU training SRGAN model paths TPU_OUTPUT_PATH = "gs://<PATH_TO_GCS_BUCKET>/outputs" TPU_PRETRAINED_GENERATOR_MODEL = os.path.join(TPU_OUTPUT_PATH, "models", "pretrained_generator") TPU_GENERATOR_MODEL = os.path.join(TPU_OUTPUT_PATH, "models", "generator") # define the path to the inferred images and to the grid image BASE_IMAGE_PATH = os.path.join(BASE_OUTPUT_PATH, "images") GRID_IMAGE_PATH = os.path.join(BASE_IMAGE_PATH, "grid.png")
On Lines 31 and 32, we have defined the reference path to our stored dataset.
Since we will be training our data both on GPU and TPU, we have separately created tfrecords
for each training choice. As you know, this project is data-intensive. Hence, it is required to convert our data to tfrecords
for optimized and faster training.
First, we have defined the path to the tfrecords
for GPU training data (Lines 35-37). This is followed by the definition of the tfrecords
referencing the TPU training data (Lines 40-42).
With our training and inference data paths done, we have defined the global output directory on Line 45.
We will compare a pretrained backbone with our fully trained generator model. We define the GPU pretrained generator and the normal generator on Lines 48-51.
As previously mentioned, since we will also be training on TPU, we define separate TPU trained outputs and generator paths on Lines 54-58.
Finally, we add the inferred image subdirectory as well as the grid image subdirectory on Lines 61 and 62 to end our
Building the Data Processing Pipeline
Since data is undeniably the most important puzzle piece of our project, we have to build an extensive data processing pipeline to deal with all our requirements which involves several data augmentation methods. For that, let’s move into
in the pyimagesearch
We have created a series of functions that will help us augment our dataset.
# import the necessary packages from import FixedLenFeature from import parse_single_example from import parse_tensor from tensorflow.image import flip_left_right from tensorflow.image import rot90 import tensorflow as tf # define AUTOTUNE object AUTO = def random_crop(lrImage, hrImage, hrCropSize=96, scale=4): # calculate the low resolution image crop size and image shape lrCropSize = hrCropSize // scale lrImageShape = tf.shape(lrImage)[:2] # calculate the low resolution image width and height offsets lrW = tf.random.uniform(shape=(), maxval=lrImageShape[1] - lrCropSize + 1, dtype=tf.int32) lrH = tf.random.uniform(shape=(), maxval=lrImageShape[0] - lrCropSize + 1, dtype=tf.int32) # calculate the high resolution image width and height hrW = lrW * scale hrH = lrH * scale # crop the low and high resolution images lrImageCropped = tf.slice(lrImage, [lrH, lrW, 0], [(lrCropSize), (lrCropSize), 3]) hrImageCropped = tf.slice(hrImage, [hrH, hrW, 0], [(hrCropSize), (hrCropSize), 3]) # return the cropped low and high resolution images return (lrImageCropped, hrImageCropped)
Considering the amount of TensorFlow wrappers we will use in this project, defining a
object for space optimization is a good approach.
The first function we have defined is random_crop
(Line 12). It takes in the following arguments:
: The low-resolution image.hrImage
: The high-resolution image.hrCropSize
: The high-resolution crop size for low-resolution crop calculation.scale
: The factor by which we calculate the low-resolution crop.
Using tf.random.uniform
, we calculate the low-resolution (lr) width and height offsets on Lines 18-21.
To calculate the corresponding high-resolution values, we simply multiply the low-resolution values with the scale factor (Lines 24 and 25).
Using the values, we crop out the low-resolution image and its corresponding high-resolution crop and return them (Lines 28-34).
def get_center_crop(lrImage, hrImage, hrCropSize=96, scale=4): # calculate the low resolution image crop size and image shape lrCropSize = hrCropSize // scale lrImageShape = tf.shape(lrImage)[:2] # calculate the low resolution image width and height lrW = lrImageShape[1] // 2 lrH = lrImageShape[0] // 2 # calculate the high resolution image width and height hrW = lrW * scale hrH = lrH * scale # crop the low and high resolution images lrImageCropped = tf.slice(lrImage, [lrH - (lrCropSize // 2), lrW - (lrCropSize // 2), 0], [lrCropSize, lrCropSize, 3]) hrImageCropped = tf.slice(hrImage, [hrH - (hrCropSize // 2), hrW - (hrCropSize // 2), 0], [hrCropSize, hrCropSize, 3]) # return the cropped low and high resolution images return (lrImageCropped, hrImageCropped)
Our next function under the spotlight is get_center_crop
(Line 36), which takes in the following arguments:
: The low-resolution imagehrImage
: The high-resolution imagehrCropSize
: The high-resolution crop size for low-resolution crop calculationscale
: The factor by which we calculate the low-resolution crop
Just like we created crop size values for our previous function, we get the lr crop size values and image shape on Lines 38 and 39.
On Lines 42 and 43, we divide the low-resolution shape by 2 and get the center points.
To get the corresponding high-resolution center points, multiply the lr center points by the scale factor (Lines 46 and 47).
On Lines 50-53, we get center crops of low-resolution and high-resolution images and return them.
def random_flip(lrImage, hrImage): # calculate a random chance for flip flipProb = tf.random.uniform(shape=(), maxval=1) (lrImage, hrImage) = tf.cond(flipProb < 0.5, lambda: (lrImage, hrImage), lambda: (flip_left_right(lrImage), flip_left_right(hrImage))) # return the randomly flipped low and high resolution images return (lrImage, hrImage)
On Line 58, we have the random_flip
function to flip images. It takes in the low-resolution and high-resolution images as its arguments.
Based on a flip probability value using tf.random.uniform
, we flip our images and return them.
def random_rotate(lrImage, hrImage): # randomly generate the number of 90 degree rotations n = tf.random.uniform(shape=(), maxval=4, dtype=tf.int32) # rotate the low and high resolution images lrImage = rot90(lrImage, n) hrImage = rot90(hrImage, n) # return the randomly rotated images return (lrImage, hrImage)
The random_rotate
function on Line 68 will randomly rotate the pair of high-resolution and low-resolution images based on a value generated by tf.random.uniform
(Lines 70-77).
def read_train_example(example): # get the feature template and parse a single image according to # the feature template feature = { "lr": FixedLenFeature([], tf.string), "hr": FixedLenFeature([], tf.string), } example = parse_single_example(example, feature) # parse the low and high resolution images lrImage = parse_tensor(example["lr"], out_type=tf.uint8) hrImage = parse_tensor(example["hr"], out_type=tf.uint8)
The read_train_example
function takes in a single example image set (an lr and an hr image collection) as an argument (Line 79). On Lines 82-85, we create a feature template.
We parse the low-resolution and the high-resolution images from the example set (Lines 86-90).
# perform data augmentation (lrImage, hrImage) = random_crop(lrImage, hrImage) (lrImage, hrImage) = random_flip(lrImage, hrImage) (lrImage, hrImage) = random_rotate(lrImage, hrImage) # reshape the low and high resolution images lrImage = tf.reshape(lrImage, (24, 24, 3)) hrImage = tf.reshape(hrImage, (96, 96, 3)) # return the low and high resolution images return (lrImage, hrImage)
Using our previously created function, we apply data augmentation to our example image sets (Lines 93-95).
Once our images are augmented, we reshape the images to our required input and output sizes (Lines 98 and 99).
def read_test_example(example): # get the feature template and parse a single image according to # the feature template feature = { "lr": FixedLenFeature([], tf.string), "hr": FixedLenFeature([], tf.string), } example = parse_single_example(example, feature) # parse the low and high resolution images lrImage = parse_tensor(example["lr"], out_type=tf.uint8) hrImage = parse_tensor(example["hr"], out_type=tf.uint8) # center crop both low and high resolution image (lrImage, hrImage) = get_center_crop(lrImage, hrImage) # reshape the low and high resolution images lrImage = tf.reshape(lrImage, (24, 24, 3)) hrImage = tf.reshape(hrImage, (96, 96, 3)) # return the low and high resolution images return (lrImage, hrImage)
We create a similar function, read_test_example
, to read an inference image set. All steps are repeated from the previously created read_train_example
. The exception is that since this is for our inference, we do not apply any augmentation to the data (Lines 104-125).
def load_dataset(filenames, batchSize, train=False): # get the TFRecords from the filenames dataset =, num_parallel_reads=AUTO) # check if this is the training dataset if train: # read the training examples dataset =, num_parallel_calls=AUTO) # otherwise, we are working with the test dataset else: # read the test examples dataset =, num_parallel_calls=AUTO) # batch and prefetch the data dataset = (dataset .shuffle(batchSize) .batch(batchSize) .repeat() .prefetch(AUTO) ) # return the dataset return dataset
The final function in our data processing pipeline script is load_dataset
(Line 127), which takes in the following arguments:
: Names of the files being consideredbatchSize
: To define the batch size to be considered at a timetrain
: A bool variable that tells us if the mode is set to training
On Line 129, we use
to get TFRecords
from the filenames.
If the mode is set to train
, we map the read_train_example
function to our dataset (Lines 133-136). This means that all records inside the dataset get passed through the function.
If the mode is set to anything else, we map the read_test_example
function to our dataset (Lines 138-141).
Our final step is to batch and prefetch the dataset (Lines 144-149).
Implementing the SRGAN Loss Functions
Although our actual loss calculation will be done later, a simple utility script to store loss functions will help organize our project better. Since we do not need to write the mathematical equations for the losses (TensorFlow does that for us), we just need to call the required packages.
For that, let’s move into the
script located in the pyimagesearch
# import necessary packages from tensorflow.keras.losses import MeanSquaredError from tensorflow.keras.losses import BinaryCrossentropy from tensorflow.keras.losses import Reduction from tensorflow import reduce_mean class Losses: def __init__(self, numReplicas): self.numReplicas = numReplicas def bce_loss(self, real, pred): # compute binary cross entropy loss without reduction BCE = BinaryCrossentropy(reduction=Reduction.NONE) loss = BCE(real, pred) # compute reduced mean over the entire batch loss = reduce_mean(loss) * (1. / self.numReplicas) # return reduced bce loss return loss
A complete class dedicated to losses is created (Line 7). We first define the binary cross entropy loss function on Line 11, which takes in the real and predicted values.
A binary cross entropy object is created, and the loss is calculated (Lines 13 and 14). The loss is then calculated over the entire batch (Line 17).
def mse_loss(self, real, pred): # compute mean squared error loss without reduction MSE = MeanSquaredError(reduction=Reduction.NONE) loss = MSE(real, pred) # compute reduced mean over the entire batch loss = reduce_mean(loss) * (1. / self.numReplicas) # return reduced mse loss return loss
Next, a mean squared error loss function on Line 22 is defined. An MSE object is created, and the loss is calculated (Lines 24 and 25).
As done in the previous function, we calculate the loss over the entire batch and return it (Lines 28-31).
Implementing the SRGAN
To start implementing the SRGAN architecture, let us move to
located in the pyimagesearch
# import the necessary packages from tensorflow.keras.layers import BatchNormalization from tensorflow.keras.layers import GlobalAvgPool2D from tensorflow.keras.layers import LeakyReLU from tensorflow.keras.layers import Rescaling from tensorflow.keras.layers import Conv2D from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense from tensorflow.keras.layers import PReLU from tensorflow.keras.layers import Add from tensorflow.nn import depth_to_space from tensorflow.keras import Model from tensorflow.keras import Input class SRGAN(object): @staticmethod def generator(scalingFactor, featureMaps, residualBlocks): # initialize the input layer inputs = Input((None, None, 3)) xIn = Rescaling(scale=(1.0 / 255.0), offset=0.0)(inputs)
To encompass our generator and discriminator, we create a class called SRGAN
(Line 14).
First, we define our generator function on Line 16, which takes in the following arguments:
: Required to get our final upscaled output.featureMaps
: Determines the number of convolution filters we want.residualBlocks
: Determines the number of residual connection blocks we want.
On Lines 18 and 19, we define the input to our generator and rescale the pixels to the range of 0
and 1
# pass the input through CONV => PReLU block xIn = Conv2D(featureMaps, 9, padding="same")(xIn) xIn = PReLU(shared_axes=[1, 2])(xIn) # construct the "residual in residual" block x = Conv2D(featureMaps, 3, padding="same")(xIn) x = BatchNormalization()(x) x = PReLU(shared_axes=[1, 2])(x) x = Conv2D(featureMaps, 3, padding="same")(x) x = BatchNormalization()(x) xSkip = Add()([xIn, x])
We first pass the input through the Conv2D
layer and a parametric ReLU layer (Lines 22 and 23).
Next, we build a base residual block network. A Conv2D
layer, a batch normalization layer, followed by a parametric ReLU layer, a Conv2D
layer, and another batch normalization layer (Lines 26-30).
The final step here is to add our input xIn
with the residual block output x
to finish the residual block network (Line 31).
# create a number of residual blocks for _ in range(residualBlocks - 1): x = Conv2D(featureMaps, 3, padding="same")(xSkip) x = BatchNormalization()(x) x = PReLU(shared_axes=[1, 2])(x) x = Conv2D(featureMaps, 3, padding="same")(x) x = BatchNormalization()(x) xSkip = Add()([xSkip, x]) # get the last residual block without activation x = Conv2D(featureMaps, 3, padding="same")(xSkip) x = BatchNormalization()(x) x = Add()([xIn, x])
We automate the residual block entries using a for loop and essentially repeat the process of the base residual block (Lines 34-40).
Once outside the loop, we add the final Conv2D
and batch normalization layer before adding the skip connection (Lines 43-45).
# upscale the image with pixel shuffle x = Conv2D(featureMaps * (scalingFactor // 2), 3, padding="same")(x) x = depth_to_space(x, 2) x = PReLU(shared_axes=[1, 2])(x) # upscale the image with pixel shuffle x = Conv2D(featureMaps * scalingFactor, 3, padding="same")(x) x = depth_to_space(x, 2) x = PReLU(shared_axes=[1, 2])(x) # get the output and scale it from [-1, 1] to [0, 255] range x = Conv2D(3, 9, padding="same", activation="tanh")(x) x = Rescaling(scale=127.5, offset=127.5)(x) # create the generator model generator = Model(inputs, x) # return the generator return generator
Our inputs are passed through a Conv2D
layer where the scaling factor value comes into play (Line 48).
The depth_to_space
function is a beautiful utility function provided by TensorFlow, which rearranges the pixels of our input, expanding them height- and width-wise by decreasing the channel value (Line 49).
This is followed by a parametric ReLU
function, which is followed by a repeat of the Conv2D
, depth_to_space
, and another parametric ReLU
function (Lines 50-56).
Notice that the Conv2D
function on Line 59 has tanh
as its activation function. That means that the feature maps’ values are now scaled to the range of -1
and 1
. We rescale the values using Rescaling
(Line 60) and get the pixels back to the range of 0 to 255.
That concludes our generator, so we simply initialize the generator and return it (Lines 63-66).
@staticmethod def discriminator(featureMaps, leakyAlpha, discBlocks): # initialize the input layer and process it with conv kernel inputs = Input((None, None, 3)) x = Rescaling(scale=(1.0 / 127.5), offset=-1.0)(inputs) x = Conv2D(featureMaps, 3, padding="same")(x) # unlike the generator we use leaky relu in the discriminator x = LeakyReLU(leakyAlpha)(x) # pass the output from previous layer through a CONV => BN => # LeakyReLU block x = Conv2D(featureMaps, 3, padding="same")(x) x = BatchNormalization()(x) x = LeakyReLU(leakyAlpha)(x)
We move on to the discriminator, for which we have defined a function on Line 69. It takes in the following arguments:
: Determines the number of filters inside aConv2D
: The value to be provided into the leakyReLU
activation function,discBlocks
: Number of discriminator blocks to be added inside the architecture.
The inputs to the discriminator are first defined. Then they are followed by rescaling the pixels to the range of -1
to 1
(Lines 71 and 72). This is followed by a Conv2D
layer and a LeakyReLU
activation layer on Lines 73-76.
Next, we create a combination of 3 layers: the Conv2D
layer followed by batch normalization, ending with a LeakyReLU
function (Lines 80-82). You’ll see that this combination is repeated a lot.
# create a number of discriminator blocks for i in range(1, discBlocks): # first CONV => BN => LeakyReLU block x = Conv2D(featureMaps * (2 ** i), 3, strides=2, padding="same")(x) x = BatchNormalization()(x) x = LeakyReLU(leakyAlpha)(x) # second CONV => BN => LeakyReLU block x = Conv2D(featureMaps * (2 ** i), 3, padding="same")(x) x = BatchNormalization()(x) x = LeakyReLU(leakyAlpha)(x)
Based on the previous discBlocks
value, we start a loop and keep adding discriminator blocks. Each discriminator block contains the Conv2D
→ BatchNormalization
→ LeakyReLU
combination repeated twice (Lines 85-95).
# process the feature maps with global average pooling x = GlobalAvgPool2D()(x) x = LeakyReLU(leakyAlpha)(x) # final FC layer with sigmoid activation function x = Dense(1, activation="sigmoid")(x) # create the discriminator model discriminator = Model(inputs, x) # return the discriminator return discriminator
Outside the loop, we add a global average pooling layer, followed by another LeakyReLU
activation function (Lines 98 and 99).
Since the discriminator gives us the information about the authenticity of an input, the final layer of our network is a Dense
layer with a sigmoid activation function (Lines 102).
Implementing the SRGAN Training Script
As explained at the beginning of this blog, the SRGAN training requires two losses at the same time; the VGG content loss as well as the GAN loss. Let’s move into the srgan_training
script inside the pyimagesearch
# import the necessary packages from tensorflow.keras import Model from tensorflow import GradientTape from tensorflow import concat from tensorflow import zeros from tensorflow import ones import tensorflow as tf class SRGANTraining(Model): def __init__(self, generator, discriminator, vgg, batchSize): super().__init__() # initialize the generator, discriminator, vgg model, and # the global batch size self.generator = generator self.discriminator = discriminator self.vgg = vgg self.batchSize = batchSize
To make our lives easier, we have gone ahead and created a class for the SRGAN training on Line 9.
The __init__
function of this class takes in the following arguments (Line 10):
: The generator of the SRGANdiscriminator
: The discriminator of the SRGANvgg
: The VGG network to be used for the content lossbatchSize
: The batch size to be used during training
On Lines 14-17, we simply initialize the generator, discriminator, VGG, and batch size values of the class by assigning them to the arguments.
def compile(self, gOptimizer, dOptimizer, bceLoss, mseLoss): super().compile() # initialize the optimizers for the generator # and discriminator self.gOptimizer = gOptimizer self.dOptimizer = dOptimizer # initialize the loss functions self.bceLoss = bceLoss self.mseLoss = mseLoss
On Line 19, we define the compile
function of our SRGAN. It takes in the following arguments:
: Optimizer for the generatordOptimzer
: Optimizer for the discriminatorbceLoss
: The binary cross entropy lossmseLoss
: The mean squared error loss
The rest of the function initializes the corresponding class variables (Lines 23-28).
def train_step(self, images): # grab the low and high resolution images (lrImages, hrImages) = images lrImages = tf.cast(lrImages, tf.float32) hrImages = tf.cast(hrImages, tf.float32) # generate super resolution images srImages = self.generator(lrImages) # combine them with real images combinedImages = concat([srImages, hrImages], axis=0) # assemble labels discriminating real from fake images where # label 0 is for predicted images and 1 is for original high # resolution images labels = concat( [zeros((self.batchSize, 1)), ones((self.batchSize, 1))], axis=0)
On Line 30, we define the train_step
, which takes in the training images as its argument.
We proceed to unpack the images and turn them into float
type (Lines 32-34).
Passing the low-resolution images through the generator, we obtain our fake super-resolution images. These are combined with the true super-resolution images on Line 40.
For our discriminator training, we have to create labels for this combined set of images. The fake images generated by the generator will have a label of 0
, while the real high-resolution images will have a label of 1
(Lines 45-47).
# train the discriminator with GradientTape() as tape: # get the discriminator predictions predictions = self.discriminator(combinedImages) # compute the loss dLoss = self.bceLoss(labels, predictions) # compute the gradients grads = tape.gradient(dLoss, self.discriminator.trainable_variables) # optimize the discriminator weights according to the # gradients computed self.dOptimizer.apply_gradients( zip(grads, self.discriminator.trainable_variables) ) # generate misleading labels misleadingLabels = ones((self.batchSize, 1))
To train the discriminator, the GradientTape
is turned on for backpropagation (Line 50).
The combined image set is passed through the discriminator for predictions (Line 52). Using the bceLoss
, we calculate the discriminator loss by comparing them to the labels (Line 55).
We compute the gradients and optimize the weights according to the gradients (Lines 58-65).
For the generator weight calculations, we have to label the images generated by the generator as real (Line 68).
# train the generator (note that we should *not* update the # weights of the discriminator)! with GradientTape() as tape: # get fake images from the generator fakeImages = self.generator(lrImages) # get the prediction from the discriminator predictions = self.discriminator(fakeImages) # compute the adversarial loss gLoss = 1e-3 * self.bceLoss(misleadingLabels, predictions) # compute the normalized vgg outputs srVgg = tf.keras.applications.vgg19.preprocess_input( fakeImages) srVgg = self.vgg(srVgg) / 12.75 hrVgg = tf.keras.applications.vgg19.preprocess_input( hrImages) hrVgg = self.vgg(hrVgg) / 12.75 # compute the perceptual loss percLoss = self.mseLoss(hrVgg, srVgg) # calculate the total generator loss gTotalLoss = gLoss + percLoss # compute the gradients grads = tape.gradient(gTotalLoss, self.generator.trainable_variables) # optimize the generator weights with the computed gradients self.gOptimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, self.generator.trainable_variables) ) # return the generator and discriminator losses return {"dLoss": dLoss, "gTotalLoss": gTotalLoss, "gLoss": gLoss, "percLoss": percLoss}
On Line 72, we start another GradientTape
for the generator.
On Line 74, we generate the fake high-resolution images from the low-resolution images passed through the generator.
These fake images are passed through the discriminator to get our predictions. These predictions are compared against the misleading labels to get our binary cross entropy loss on Line 80.
For the content loss, we pass the fake super-resolution images and the actual high-resolution images through a VGG net and compare them using our mean squared loss function (Lines 83-91).
As explained earlier, the total generator loss becomes the sum of the generative loss and the content loss (Line 94).
Next, we calculate the gradients for the generator and apply them (Lines 97-103).
This concludes our SRGAN training module.
Implementing the Final Utility Scripts
As you can figure out from the srgan_training
script, we have used a few helper scripts. Let’s quickly go over them before assessing our outputs.
First, let’s move to the
script located in the pyimagesearch
# import the necessary packages from tensorflow.keras.applications import VGG19 from tensorflow.keras import Model class VGG: @staticmethod def build(): # initialize the pre-trained VGG19 model vgg = VGG19(input_shape=(None, None, 3), weights="imagenet", include_top=False) # slicing the VGG19 model till layer #20 model = Model(vgg.input, vgg.layers[20].output) # return the sliced VGG19 model return model
Inside it, we define a class called VGG
on Line 5. The build function defined on Line 7 uses tensorflow
packages to call a pretrained VGG
model and use it for our content loss (Lines 9-16).
We just have another script to check before finalizing the training. To aid in assessing our output images, we have created a zoom-in script. For that, let’s move into the
located in the pyimagesearch
# import the necessary packages from . import config from matplotlib.pyplot import subplots from matplotlib.pyplot import savefig from matplotlib.pyplot import title from matplotlib.pyplot import xticks from matplotlib.pyplot import yticks from matplotlib.pyplot import show from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.image import array_to_img from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import zoomed_inset_axes from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import mark_inset import os # the following code snippet has been taken from: # def zoom_into_images(image, imageTitle): # create a new figure with a default 111 subplot. (fig, ax) = subplots() im = ax.imshow(array_to_img(image[::-1]), origin="lower") title(imageTitle) # zoom-factor: 2.0, location: upper-left axins = zoomed_inset_axes(ax, 2, loc=2) axins.imshow(array_to_img(image[::-1]), origin="lower") # specify the limits. (x1, x2, y1, y2) = 20, 40, 20, 40 # apply the x-limits. axins.set_xlim(x1, x2) # apply the y-limits. axins.set_ylim(y1, y2) # remove the xticks and yticks yticks(visible=False) xticks(visible=False) # make the line. mark_inset(ax, axins, loc1=1, loc2=3, fc="none", ec="blue") # build the image path and save it to disk imagePath = os.path.join(config.BASE_IMAGE_PATH, f"{imageTitle}.png") savefig(imagePath) # show the image show()
We implement our zoom_into_images
function on Line 16. It takes in the image and image title as its arguments.
A subplot for multiple plots is defined on Line 18. The image is plotted on Line 19. On Lines 21-24, we plot the same image but with a particular patch zoomed in for our reference.
On Lines 26-31, we specify the x
and y
coordinates limits for the image.
The rest of the function involves some decorations, like removing the ticks, adding the lines, and saving the image to our output path (Lines 34-46).
Training the SRGAN
With all our required scripts complete, the final step is to execute the training process. For that, let’s head into the
script inside our root directory.
# USAGE # python --device tpu # python --device gpu # import tensorflow and fix the random seed for better reproducibility import tensorflow as tf tf.random.set_seed(42) # import the necessary packages from pyimagesearch.data_preprocess import load_dataset from pyimagesearch.srgan import SRGAN from pyimagesearch.vgg import VGG from pyimagesearch.srgan_training import SRGANTraining from pyimagesearch import config from pyimagesearch.losses import Losses from tensorflow import distribute from tensorflow.config import experimental_connect_to_cluster from tensorflow.tpu.experimental import initialize_tpu_system from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam from import glob import argparse import sys import os # construct the argument parser and parse the arguments ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument("--device", required=True, default="gpu", choices=["gpu", "tpu"], type=str, help="device to use for training (gpu or tpu)") args = vars(ap.parse_args())
An argument parser is created to take in the device choice input from the user (Lines 26-30).
# check if we are using TPU, if so, initialize the TPU strategy if args["device"] == "tpu": # initialize the TPUs tpu = distribute.cluster_resolver.TPUClusterResolver() experimental_connect_to_cluster(tpu) initialize_tpu_system(tpu) strategy = distribute.TPUStrategy(tpu) # ensure the user has entered a valid gcs bucket path if config.TPU_BASE_TFR_PATH == "gs://<PATH_TO_GCS_BUCKET>/tfrecord": print("[INFO] not a valid GCS Bucket path...") sys.exit(0) # set the train TFRecords, pretrained generator, and final # generator model paths to be used for TPU training tfrTrainPath = config.TPU_DIV2K_TFR_TRAIN_PATH pretrainedGenPath = config.TPU_PRETRAINED_GENERATOR_MODEL genPath = config.TPU_GENERATOR_MODEL # otherwise, we are using multi/single GPU so initialize the mirrored # strategy elif args["device"] == "gpu": # define the multi-gpu strategy strategy = distribute.MirroredStrategy() # set the train TFRecords, pretrained generator, and final # generator model paths to be used for GPU training tfrTrainPath = config.GPU_DIV2K_TFR_TRAIN_PATH pretrainedGenPath = config.GPU_PRETRAINED_GENERATOR_MODEL genPath = config.GPU_GENERATOR_MODEL # else, invalid argument was provided as input else: # exit the program print("[INFO] please enter a valid device argument...") sys.exit(0)
Since we can train the SRGAN with either the TPU or the GPU, we make arrangements accordingly.
Our first case is if the device
is set to tpu
, we initialize the requirements for the TPU training (Lines 33-43) :
: For efficient communication with cluster management systems (AWS, GCP, etc.)strategy
: To initialize the right strategy for efficient TPU training.
Next, we set the training TFRecords
path, pretrained generator path, and the final generator path (Lines 47-49).
If the device
is set to gpu
, we set the training strategy to be mirrored over multiple GPUs (Lines 53-55).
The GPU TFRecords
path, the pretrained generator, and the final generator paths are defined (Lines 59-61). Notice how in each case, these variables are exclusive to the case itself (i.e., GPU_GENERATOR_MODEL
If the user gives neither the gpu
nor tpu
choice, the program simply exits (Lines 64-67).
# display the number of accelerators print("[INFO] number of accelerators: {}..." .format(strategy.num_replicas_in_sync)) # grab train TFRecord filenames print("[INFO] grabbing the train TFRecords...") trainTfr = glob(tfrTrainPath +"/*.tfrec") # build the div2k datasets from the TFRecords print("[INFO] creating train and test dataset...") trainDs = load_dataset(filenames=trainTfr, train=True, batchSize=config.TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE * strategy.num_replicas_in_sync) # call the strategy scope context manager with strategy.scope(): # initialize our losses class object losses = Losses(numReplicas=strategy.num_replicas_in_sync) # initialize the generator, and compile it with Adam optimizer and # MSE loss generator = SRGAN.generator( scalingFactor=config.SCALING_FACTOR, featureMaps=config.FEATURE_MAPS, residualBlocks=config.RESIDUAL_BLOCKS) generator.compile( optimizer=Adam(learning_rate=config.PRETRAIN_LR), loss=losses.mse_loss) # pretraining the generator print("[INFO] pretraining SRGAN generator..."), epochs=config.PRETRAIN_EPOCHS, steps_per_epoch=config.STEPS_PER_EPOCH)
On Lines 70-80, we build the div2k
dataset from the TFRecords
. Calling the strategy scope, we initialize the loss function from our loss object (Lines 83-85).
The generator is then initialized using values from our
script and compiled with the Adam
optimizer (Lines 89-95).
For better results, we have pretrained the generator network on Lines 99 and 100.
# check whether output model directory exists, if it doesn't, then # create it if args["device"] == "gpu" and not os.path.exists(config.BASE_OUTPUT_PATH): os.makedirs(config.BASE_OUTPUT_PATH) # save the pretrained generator print("[INFO] saving the SRGAN pretrained generator to {}..." .format(pretrainedGenPath)) # call the strategy scope context manager with strategy.scope(): # initialize our losses class object losses = Losses(numReplicas=strategy.num_replicas_in_sync) # initialize the vgg network (for perceptual loss) and discriminator # network vgg = discriminator = SRGAN.discriminator( featureMaps=config.FEATURE_MAPS, leakyAlpha=config.LEAKY_ALPHA, discBlocks=config.DISC_BLOCKS) # build the SRGAN training model and compile it srgan = SRGANTraining( generator=generator, discriminator=discriminator, vgg=vgg, batchSize=config.TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE) srgan.compile( dOptimizer=Adam(learning_rate=config.FINETUNE_LR), gOptimizer=Adam(learning_rate=config.FINETUNE_LR), bceLoss=losses.bce_loss, mseLoss=losses.mse_loss, ) # train the SRGAN model print("[INFO] training SRGAN..."), epochs=config.FINETUNE_EPOCHS, steps_per_epoch=config.STEPS_PER_EPOCH) # save the SRGAN generator print("[INFO] saving SRGAN generator to {}...".format(genPath))
On Lines 104 and 105, we check if the output path for our outputs exists. If not, we create one.
Once the pretrained generator is saved, we recall the strategy scope and initialize the loss object again (Lines 110-115).
Since we will need the VGG
network for our content loss, we initialize a VGG
network and the discriminator, the latter with values in the
script (Lines 119-122).
Since the generator and discriminator are already created, we have directly used the SRGANTraining
object and compiled our SRGAN model (Lines 125-135).
The initialized SRGAN is fit with the data to initiate the training, and the trained SRGAN is then saved (Lines 139-144)
Creating the Inference Script for the SRGAN
With our training done, let’s see some results! For that, we’ll be moving to the
# USAGE # python --device gpu # python --device tpu # import the necessary packages from pyimagesearch.data_preprocess import load_dataset from pyimagesearch.utils import zoom_into_images from pyimagesearch import config from tensorflow import distribute from tensorflow.config import experimental_connect_to_cluster from tensorflow.tpu.experimental import initialize_tpu_system from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.image import array_to_img from import glob from matplotlib.pyplot import subplots import argparse import sys import os # construct the argument parser and parse the arguments ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument("--device", required=True, default="gpu", choices=["gpu", "tpu"], type=str, help="device to use for training (gpu or tpu)") args = vars(ap.parse_args())
As done in the training script, we need to create another argument parser that takes the choice of the device (TPU or GPU) from the user (Lines 21-25).
# check if we are using TPU, if so, initialize the strategy # accordingly if args["device"] == "tpu": # initialize the tpus tpu = distribute.cluster_resolver.TPUClusterResolver() experimental_connect_to_cluster(tpu) initialize_tpu_system(tpu) strategy = distribute.TPUStrategy(tpu) # ensure the user has entered a valid gcs bucket path if config.TPU_BASE_TFR_PATH == "gs://<PATH_TO_GCS_BUCKET>/tfrecord": print("[INFO] not a valid GCS Bucket path...") sys.exit(0) # set the train TFRecords, pretrained generator, and final # generator model paths to be used for TPU training tfrTestPath = config.TPU_DIV2K_TFR_TEST_PATH pretrainedGenPath = config.TPU_PRETRAINED_GENERATOR_MODEL genPath = config.TPU_GENERATOR_MODEL # otherwise, we are using multi/single GPU so initialize the mirrored # strategy elif args["device"] == "gpu": # define the multi-gpu strategy strategy = distribute.MirroredStrategy() # set the train TFRecords, pretrained generator, and final # generator model paths to be used for GPU training tfrTestPath = config.GPU_DIV2K_TFR_TEST_PATH pretrainedGenPath = config.GPU_PRETRAINED_GENERATOR_MODEL genPath = config.GPU_GENERATOR_MODEL # else, invalid argument was provided as input else: # exit the program print("[INFO] please enter a valid device argument...") sys.exit(0)
The next step is again the same as the training step. Depending on the choice of device, we initialize clusters (for TPU), strategies (for both GPU and TPU), and the paths while setting up an exit clause for the script (Lines 27-63).
# get the dataset print("[INFO] loading the test dataset...") testTfr = glob(tfrTestPath + "/*.tfrec") testDs = load_dataset(testTfr, config.INFER_BATCH_SIZE, train=False) # get the first batch of testing images (lrImage, hrImage) = next(iter(testDs)) # call the strategy scope context manager with strategy.scope(): # load the SRGAN trained models print("[INFO] loading the pre-trained and fully trained SRGAN model...") srganPreGen = load_model(pretrainedGenPath, compile=False) srganGen = load_model(genPath, compile=False) # predict using SRGAN print("[INFO] making predictions with pre-trained and fully trained SRGAN model...") srganPreGenPred = srganPreGen.predict(lrImage) srganGenPred = srganGen.predict(lrImage)
On Lines 67 and 68, we obtain the dataset we use for inference.
Using next(iter())
, we get the first batch of testing images (Line 71). Next, the pretrained SRGAN and the fully trained SRGAN model weights are loaded and initialized, with the first low-resolution image being passed through them (Lines 74-83).
# plot the respective predictions print("[INFO] plotting the SRGAN predictions...") (fig, axes) = subplots(nrows=config.INFER_BATCH_SIZE, ncols=4, figsize=(50, 50)) # plot the predicted images from low res to high res for (ax, lowRes, srPreIm, srGanIm, highRes) in zip(axes, lrImage, srganPreGenPred, srganGenPred, hrImage): # plot the low resolution image ax[0].imshow(array_to_img(lowRes)) ax[0].set_title("Low Resolution Image") # plot the pretrained SRGAN image ax[1].imshow(array_to_img(srPreIm)) ax[1].set_title("SRGAN Pretrained") # plot the SRGAN image ax[2].imshow(array_to_img(srGanIm)) ax[2].set_title("SRGAN") # plot the high resolution image ax[3].imshow(array_to_img(highRes)) ax[3].set_title("High Resolution Image")
On Lines 87 and 88, we initialize the subplot. Then, looping over the columns of the subplot, we plot the low-resolution image, the SRGAN pretrained result, the fully SRGAN super-resolution image, and the original high-resolution image (Lines 91-107).
# check whether output image directory exists, if it doesn't, then # create it if not os.path.exists(config.BASE_IMAGE_PATH): os.makedirs(config.BASE_IMAGE_PATH) # serialize the results to disk print("[INFO] saving the SRGAN predictions to disk...") fig.savefig(config.GRID_IMAGE_PATH) # plot the zoomed in images zoom_into_images(srganPreGenPred[0], "SRGAN Pretrained") zoom_into_images(srganGenPred[0], "SRGAN")
We create the directory for storing our output images if it doesn’t exist already (Lines 111 and 112).
We save the figure and plot the zoomed-in versions of our output images (Lines 116-120).
Training and Visualizations of the SRGAN
Let’s go over some visualizations of our trained SRGAN. Figures 4-7 show the outputs of the SRGANs trained on both the TPU as well as the GPU.
As we can clearly see, the fully trained SRGAN outputs show clearly more details than the pretrained ones.
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SRGANs very smartly achieve better image super-resolution results by combining the traditional GAN elements with recipes intended to elevate visual performance.
The simple addition of the pixel-wise comparison of outputs gives us visibly stronger results when compared to previous work. However, since GANs essentially are trying to recreate data to make it look like it belongs to the training distribution, lots of computation power is necessary to achieve that. SRGANs may help you achieve your objective, but the catch is that you have to have tons of computation power ready.
Citation Information
Chakraborty, D. “Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Networks (SRGAN),” PyImageSearch, P. Chugh, A. R. Gosthipaty, S. Huot, K. Kidriavsteva, R. Raha, and A. Thanki, eds., 2022,
@incollection{Chakraborty_2022_SRGAN, author = {Devjyoti Chakraborty}, title = {Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Networks {(SRGAN)}}, booktitle = {PyImageSearch}, editor = {Puneet Chugh and Aritra Roy Gosthipaty and Susan Huot and Kseniia Kidriavsteva and Ritwik Raha and Abhishek Thanki}, year = {2022}, note = {}, }
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