You can bring computer vision to embedded devices.

Computer Vision, Deep Learning, and Internet of Things (IoT) are three of the fastest-growing industries and subjects in computer science — you will learn how to combine all three using the Raspberry Pi inside my new book.

Inside this book you'll find:

  • Build practical, real-world computer vision applications on the Pi
  • Create computer vision and Internet of Things (IoT) projects and applications with the RPi
  • Optimize your OpenCV code and algorithms on the resource constrained Pi
  • Perform Deep Learning on the Raspberry Pi (including utilizing the Movidius NCS and OpenVINO toolkit)

I'm sold — I'm ready to order my copy now. »

My books and courses are trusted by members of top machine learning companies and schools.
You're in good hands.

Raspberry Pi for Computer Vision is trusted by top universities and companies

Hardcopy Bundle


Great for beginners and hobbyists

This bundle is the full embedded computer vision + deep learning education. You'll have access to every chapter in the book (including bonus chapters on the OpenCV AI Kit), Certificate of Completion, a hardcopy of the text, and access to my private community and forums for additional help and support.

Additionally, this bundle will cover how to train custom Caffe + TensorFlow models for the Movidius NCS, build computer vision and deep learning apps with the Google Coral, and utilize the NVIDIA Jetson Nano for super fast deep learning on embedded devices.

If you are serious about embedded computer vision and deep learning, then there is no doubt in my mind that this is the best bundle for you.

  • An exclusive hardcopy edition of Raspberry Pi for Computer Vision mailed right to your doorstep.
  • All highly documented source code listings, ensuring you can run the examples on your RPi.
  • Bonus chapters on the OpenCV AI Kit (OAK), which makes it easier than ever to perform embedded computer vision and deep learning.
  • A Certificate of Completion after you complete all lessons/quizzes associated with the text (which you can embed on your LinkedIn profile).
  • A downloadable pre-configured Raspbian .img file with Python, OpenCV, and all necessary machine learning + deep learning libraries pre-installed.)No need to configure your Pi, just flash the .img file to your SD card and boot — you'll be up and running in minutes).
  • Access to the Raspberry Pi for Computer Vision companion website and private community forums.
  • FREE updates as the book is revised and updated.

No Risk 100% Money Back Guarantee!

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PyImageSearch University Bundle


Perfect if you want to master computer vision and deep learning

Discover how you can get the best of both worlds with PyImageSearch University and the Raspberry Pi for Computer Vision Hardcopy Bundle.

Use the power of OpenCV, TensorFlow, and PyTorch to solve complex computer vision problems in under 30 minutes with our easy-to-follow code examples.

Stay ahead of the curve and future-proof your skills with our comprehensive library of computer vision resources.

Upgrade to PyImageSearch University and the Practical Python Hardcopy Bundle to start your journey towards mastering computer vision today.

  • Lifetime access to PyImageSearch University
  • Brand new courses released every month, ensuring you can keep up with state-of-the-art techniques
  • 115 hours of on-demand video
  • 86 courses on essential computer vision, deep learning and OpenCV topics
  • 94 Certificates of Completion
  • 540 tutorials and downloadable resources
  • Pre-configured Jupyter Notebooks in Google Colab for 338 PyImageSearch tutorials
  • Run all code examples in your web browser - works on Windows, macOS, and Linux (no dev environment configuration required!)
  • Access to centralized code repos for all 348 tutorials on PyImageSearch
  • Easy one click downloads for code, datasets, pre-trained models, etc.
  • Access on mobile, laptop, desktop

No Risk 100% Money Back Guarantee!

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Complete Bundle


Computer vision and deep learning on the RPi, Google Coral, and NVIDIA Jetson Nano.

This bundle is the full embedded computer vision + deep learning education. You'll have access to every chapter in the book (including bonus chapters on the OpenCV AI Kit), Certificate of Completion, a hardcopy of the text, and access to my private community and forums for additional help and support.

Additionally, this is the only bundle to cover how to train custom Caffe + TensorFlow models for the Movidius NCS, build computer vision and deep learning apps with the Google Coral, and utilize the NVIDIA Jetson Nano for super fast deep learning on embedded devices.

If you are serious about embedded computer vision and deep learning, then there is no doubt in my mind that this is the best bundle for you.

  • All chapters inside the Hobbyist Bundle, Hacker Bundle, and Complete Bundle in PDF, EPUB, and MOBI format.
  • An exclusive hardcopy edition of Raspberry Pi for Computer Vision mailed right to your doorstep.
  • All highly documented source code listings, ensuring you can run the examples on your RPi.
  • Bonus chapters on the OpenCV AI Kit (OAK), which makes it easier than ever to perform embedded computer vision and deep learning.
  • A Certificate of Completion after you complete all lessons/quizzes associated with the text (which you can embed on your LinkedIn profile).
  • A downloadable pre-configured Raspbian .img file with Python, OpenCV, and all necessary machine learning + deep learning libraries pre-installed.)No need to configure your Pi, just flash the .img file to your SD card and boot — you'll be up and running in minutes).
  • Access to the Raspberry Pi for Computer Vision companion website and private community forums.
  • FREE updates as the book is revised and updated.

No Risk 100% Money Back Guarantee!

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Enjoy a 100% money back guarantee.

After reading my book, if you haven't learned how to apply computer vision and deep learning to the Raspberry Pi, then I don't want your money. That's why I offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee. Simply send me an email and ask for a refund, up to 30 days after your purchase. With all the copies of my books/courses I've sold, I count the number of refunds on one hand. My readers are satisfied and I'm sure you will be too.


  • Why this book?

    Raspberry Pi for Computer Vision is the most in-depth, comprehensive, and hands-on guide to learning embedded Computer Vision and Deep Learning. You cannot find any other book or course online that includes this level of intuitive explanations and thoroughly documented code. Furthermore, all code and datasets are included in the text, enabling you to download your copy and start learning immediately.

  • Does this book cover the Movidius NCS and the OpenVINO Toolkit?

    Yes! Intel's Movidius NCS and OpenVINO Toolkit are covered in both the Hacker Bundle and Complete Bundle of this text. Inside you'll learn how to train your own custom Caffe and Keras/TensorFlow models and then deploy them to the NCS.

  • Will I learn how to use the Google Coral and NVIDIA Jetson Nano?

    You certainly will! The Complete Bundle of this book covers how to use both the Google Coral and NVIDIA Jetson Nano. In these chapters you'll learn how to train your own image classification and object detection networks (on your own custom datasets) and then deploy them to the Coral and Nano.

  • Do I need any programming experience before reading this book?

    This book assumes you have some prior programming experience (e.g. you know what a variable function, loop, etc. are). You should have more skills than a novice, but certainly not an intermediate or advanced developer. As long as you understand basic programming logic flow you'll be successful in reading (and understanding) the contents of this book.

  • Do I need to know OpenCV?

    I strongly recommend that you at least know the fundamentals of computer vision and the basics of the OpenCV library before going through this book. A little bit of OpenCV experience goes a long way, so if you're new to OpenCV, I definitely recommend that you go through my first book, Practical Python and OpenCV to learn the fundamentals.

  • Do I need to know Deep Learning, Keras, TensorFlow, etc.?

    The Hobbyist Bundle does not require any knowledge over deep learning.

    The Hacker Bundle and Complete Bundle require a practitioner's knowledge over deep learning, meaning that you don't have to understand the inner workings of every deep learning algorithm/model, but you do need to understand the basic idea of how a model is trained.

    If you're new to deep learning or want to level up your skills, make sure you grab a copy of Deep Learning for Computer Vision with Python — you can work through RPi4CV and the deep learning book in tandem.

  • What if I've never used the Raspberry Pi before?

    That's okay! This book will help you get up and running with your Raspberry Pi, even if you've never worked with one before. To jumpstart your education, I've included a pre-configured Raspbian .img file with OpenCV, TensorFlow, Keras, etc. pre-installed! All you need to do is download the .img file, flash it to your micro-SD card, and boot — you'll be up and running in a matter of minutes!

  • What if I've been hacking with the Raspberry Pi for years?

    This book isn't just for beginners — there's advanced content in here too. I would recommend going with either the Hacker Bundle or Complete Bundle where I go into more advanced topics, including deep learning on the Raspberry Pi, the Movidius NCS, and OpenVINO toolkit. The Complete Bundle also covers the Google Coral and NVIDIA Jetson Nano, two embedded devices that you should look into using if you already have experience with the RPi.

  • Are all chapters for this book complete?

    Yes! All chapters are 100% completed and released.

  • Are hardcopy editions shipping?

    Yes, hardcopy editions are shipping.

    Please note that only the Complete Bundle of RPi4CV includes the physical, printed editions (i.e., the Hobbyist Bundle and Hacker Bundle do not include the printed editions of the book).

  • When will the OpenCV AI Kit chapters be released?

    The official organization has graciously allowed us with early access to the OpenCV AI Kit. We are working on bonus chapters for this device and plan on releasing them in early/mid-2021. Please note that the OAK chapters are only available in the Complete Bundle of the text.

  • What is the Certificate of Completion?

    After completing all lessons/quizzes associated with the text, you will be awarded a Certificate of Completion which you can embed on your LinkedIn profile, thus demonstrating your knowledge of embedded computer vision and deep learning.

    Now that the text is complete, we are working on putting together the certificate quizzes. We expect to release the quizzes in Q1 of 2021.

  • I'm just so busy right now...

    Everyone has the same amount of time in a day — we all have 24 hours to work, spend time with our families, sleep, and have fun. If you're interested in studying embedded CV and DL, I challenge you to make it your goal.

    Take the time to invest in yourself and your CV/DL knowledge by grabbing a copy of Raspberry Pi for Computer Vision. How much time are you wasting because:

    • You lack the fundamentals of OpenCV, Computer Vision, and Deep Learning.
    • You don’t understand what knobs and dials to tune to achieve high accuracy results.
    • Your scripts error out, leaving you confused on how to proceed.

    Raspberry Pi for Computer Vision solves these problems so you can stop wasting your time and money following paths that only lead to failure — let me guide you to success.

  • Which bundle should I buy?

    Each bundle builds on top of the others and includes all content from lower volumes. You should choose a bundle based on (1) how in depth you want to study embedded computer vision and deep learning and (2) your particular budget. Use the "Here's the full breakdown of what you'll learn inside Rasberry Pi for Computer Vision" section above to help you decide which topics you want to learn, then pick a bundle based on your choices.

  • What happens after I purchase?

    After you purchase your copy of Raspberry Pi for Computer Vision you will (1) receive an email receipt for your purchase and (2) you will be able to download your books, code, datasets, etc. immediately.

  • Can I upgrade from a lower tier bundle to a higher tier one?

    Yes, you can always upgrade your bundle to a higher tier one. For example, you could purchase the Hobbyist Bundle and then upgrade to the Hacker Bundle or Complete Bundle at a later date.

    The cost to upgrade would simply be the price difference between your current bundle and the bundle you wanted to upgrade to (you would not need to "repurchase" the content you already own). To upgrade your bundle just send me an email and I can get you the upgrade link.

  • Where can I learn more about you?

    I have authored over 300+ blog posts about computer vision, OpenCV, and deep learning over at Check out the posts to get a feel for my teaching and writing style (not to mention the quality and depth of the tutorials). I would also highly suggest that you sign up for the (free) Table of Contents and sample chapters I am offering using the form at the bottom-right corner of this page.

  • I have another question.

    If you have any other questions, please send me a message, and I'll get back to you ASAP.