Table of Contents
- Comparison Between BagofWords and Word2Vec
- A Brief Recap of BOW and Word2Vec
- Configuring Your Development Environment
- Having Problems Configuring Your Development Environment?
- Project Structure
- Configuring the Prerequisites
- Processing the Data
- Creating the Bag-of-Words Model
- Training the Bag-of-Words Model
- Training the Word2Vec Model
- Training Results and Visualizations
- Summary
Comparison Between BagofWords and Word2Vec
In the past few weeks, we have gone over important Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques like Bag-of-Words and Word2Vec. Both are, in some form, part of representation learning in NLP.
In general, the representation of features in a way that makes the computer understand text has really helped NLP grow. But both of the techniques mentioned above are drastically different from each other. This begs the question, what makes us choose one over the other?
In this tutorial, you will go through a comparison between Bag-of-Words and Word2Vec.
This lesson is the last in a 4-part series on NLP 101:
- Introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- Introduction to the Bag-of-Words (BoW) Model
- Word2Vec: A Study of Embeddings in NLP
- Comparison Between BagofWords and Word2Vec (today’s tutorial)
To learn the difference between Bag-of-Words and Word2Vec, just keep reading.
Comparison Between BagofWords and Word2Vec
Let’s go through a brief recap of what representation learning in NLP is. Teaching text data to computers is extremely difficult and complex. In our first blog post in this series, we went over a brief history of Natural Language Processing.
There, we established how the introduction of statistics and representation learning in NLP changed the general progress of NLP in a more positive direction. We learned about Bag-of-Words (BOW), a technique that has its roots in representational learning. This was followed by a more complex and comprehensive approach of Word2Vec.
Both of these techniques involve expressing our input data into a representational (embedding) space. The more associations we can spot, the more validation we get about how well our model has learned.
Let’s take it up a notch and dig even deeper into why these techniques are similar yet drastically different.
A Brief Recap of BOW and Word2Vec
The Bag-of-Words architecture involved converting each input sentence into a bag of words. Take a look at Figure 1.
The embedding matrix here has a number of columns equal to the number of words in the total vocabulary. Each sentence is expressed as a combination of each word either appearing or not appearing.
For example, if the vocabulary size of a given dataset was 300, an input sentence of size 5 would now become a vector of size 300, with the bits of the 5 occurring words turned on while having the 295 bits turned off.
Word2Vec takes a different approach in making use of vectors. Here, instead of each sentence being represented as entities, we consider each word. We choose a finite dimensional embedding space, where each row represents a word in the vocabulary.
Throughout training, each word has some value (or weight) that it develops for each dimension, representing its vectorial form. These weights are determined by each word’s context (i.e., the neighboring words).
Hence, the sentences “The sky is blue.” and “Blue skies are beautiful.” would mean the word blue will be associated with the sky in our embedding space.
Both of these approaches are ingenious and are great in their own way. But let’s scrutinize each algorithm further.
Configuring Your Development Environment
To follow this guide, you need to have the OpenCV library installed on your system.
Luckily, OpenCV is pip-installable:
$ pip install opencv-contrib-python
If you need help configuring your development environment for OpenCV, we highly recommend that you read our pip install OpenCV guide — it will have you up and running in a matter of minutes.
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Project Structure
We first need to review our project directory structure.
Start by accessing the “Downloads” section of this tutorial to retrieve the source code and example images.
From there, take a look at the directory structure:
!tree . . ├── datadf.csv ├── LICENSE ├── outputs │ ├── loss_BOW.png │ ├── loss_W2V.png │ ├── terminal_outputs.txt │ ├── TSNE_BOW.png │ └── TSNE_W2V.png ├── pyimagesearch │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ └── ├── ├── └── 2 directories, 14 files
We have two sub-directories: outputs
and pyimagesearch
Inside the outputs
directory, we have all the results and visualizations of this project.
In the pyimagesearch
directory, we have:
: Contains the model architecture for
: Contains the entire configuration
: A script that houses several data processing
: Makes thepyimagesearch
directory act like a python package.
In the main directory, we have:
: Training script for Bag-of-Words
: Training script for Word2Vec architecture.datadf.csv
: The training data for our project.
Configuring the Prerequisites
Inside the pyimagesearch
directory, the
script houses the entire configuration pipeline for our project.
# import the necessary packages import os # define Bag-of-Words parameters EPOCHS = 30 # define the Word2Vec parameters EMBEDDING_SIZE = 2 ITERATIONS = 1000 # define the path to the output directory OUTPUT_PATH = "outputs" # define the path to the Bag-of-Words output BOW_LOSS = os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, "loss_BOW") BOW_TSNE = os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, "TSNE_BOW") # define the path to the Word2vec output W2V_LOSS = os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, "loss_W2V") W2V_TSNE = os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, "TSNE_W2V")
On Line 5, we define the number of epochs where the bag-of-words model will be trained.
On Lines 8 and 9, we define parameters for the Word2Vec model, namely the number of embedding dimensions and iterations for which the Word2Vec model will train.
Next, the outputs
directory is defined (Line 12), followed by individual definitions for the loss and TSNE plots (Lines 15-20).
Processing the Data
We will be moving on to the data processing script
. This script houses functions to help us with managing the data.
# import the necessary packages import re import tensorflow as tf def preprocess(sentDf, stopWords, key="sentence"): # loop over all the sentences for num in range(len(sentDf[key])): # strip the sentences off the stop-words newSent = "" for word in sentDf["sentence"].iloc[num].split(): if word not in stopWords: newSent = newSent + " " + word # update the sentences sentDf["sentence"].iloc[num] = newSent # return the preprocessed data return(sentDf)
On Line 5, we have the first function, preprocess
, which takes in the following arguments:
: The input dataframe.stopWords
: A list of words to omit from our dataset.key
: Set tosentence
by default. It will be used to access the right column of the dataframe.
Looping over the sentences on Line 7, we first initialize an empty string to store our processed data on Line 9. Now, each word in the sentence is iterated through (Line 10), and the stopwords are omitted.
We update the dataframe with the new sentences (without the stop-words) on Line 15.
def prepare_tokenizerBOW(df, topWords, sentKey="sentence", outputKey="sentiment"): # prepare separate tokenizers for the data and labels tokenizerData = tf.keras.preprocessing.text.Tokenizer(num_words=topWords, oov_token="<unk>", filters='!"#$%&()*+.,-/:;=?@[\]^_`{|}~') tokenizerLabels = tf.keras.preprocessing.text.Tokenizer(num_words=5, oov_token="<unk>", filters='!"#$%&()*+.,-/:;=?@[\]^_`{|}~') # fit the tokenizers on their respective data tokenizerData.fit_on_texts(df["sentence"]) tokenizerLabels.fit_on_texts(df["sentiment"]) # return the tokenizers return (tokenizerData, tokenizerLabels)
Our next function is prepare_tokenizerBOW
on Line 20, which takes in the following arguments:
: The input dataframe stripped off the stop-words.topWords
: An argument required to initialize the tensorflow tokenizer.sentKey
: The key to access the sentences from the dataframe.outputKey
: The key to access the labels from the dataframe.
This function is specifically for the Bag-of-Words architecture, where we will be using two separate tokenizers for the data and their labels. Accordingly, we create the two tokenizers and fit them on their respective texts (Lines 22-31).
def prepare_tokenizerW2V(df, topWords, sentKey="sentence", outputKey="sentiment"): # prepare tokenizer for the Word2Vec data tokenizerWord2Vec = tf.keras.preprocessing.text.Tokenizer(num_words=topWords, oov_token="<unk>", filters='!"#$%&()*+.,-/:;=?@[\]^_`{|}~') # fit the tokenizer on the data tokenizerWord2Vec.fit_on_texts(df["sentence"]) tokenizerWord2Vec.fit_on_texts(df["sentiment"]) # return the tokenizer return (tokenizerWord2Vec)
The final function in this script is the prepare_tokenizerW2V
on Line 36, which takes in the following arguments:
: The input dataframe stripped off the stop-words.topWords
: An argument required to initialize the tensorflow tokenizer.sentKey
: The key to access the sentences from the dataframe.outputKey
: The key to access the labels from the dataframe.
On Lines 38-40, we have initialized a single tokenizer for the Word2Vec approach and fit it on the data and labels on Lines 43 and 44. Since both approaches are different, we are using a single tokenizer.
Creating the Bag-of-Words Model
Next, we will define the architecture of the Bag-of-Words model. Let’s move into the
#import the necessary packages import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential from tensorflow.keras.losses import sparse_categorical_crossentropy def build_shallow_net(inputDims, numClasses): # define the model model = Sequential() model.add(Dense(512, input_dim=inputDims, activation="relu")) model.add(Dense(128, activation="relu")) model.add(Dense(numClasses, activation="softmax")) # compile the keras model model.compile(loss=sparse_categorical_crossentropy, optimizer="adam", metrics=["accuracy"] ) # return model return model
On Line 7, we have build_shallow_Net
, which takes in the following arguments:
: The input dimension equal to the number of words in the vocabulary.numClasses
: The number of output classes.
On Lines 9-12, we define a sequential model consisting of two dense layers and a final softmax
dense layer. Since we are dealing with small data, a simple model like this will work fine.
On Lines 15-18, we compile the model with sparse_categorical_crossentropy
loss and adam
optimizer, with accuracy as our metric.
Training the Bag-of-Words Model
To train the Bag-of-Words architecture, we will move into the
# USAGE # python -W ignore # set seed for reproducibility import tensorflow as tf tf.random.set_seed(42) # import the necessary packages from pyimagesearch import config from pyimagesearch.data_processing import preprocess from pyimagesearch.BOWmodel import build_shallow_net from pyimagesearch.data_processing import prepare_tokenizerBOW from sklearn.manifold import TSNE import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from tqdm import tqdm import pandas as pd import numpy as np import nltk import os # prepare stop-words using the NLTK package"stopwords") stopWords = nltk.corpus.stopwords.words("english") # initialize the dataframe from csv format dataDf = pd.read_csv("datadf.csv") # preprocess the dataframe processedDf = preprocess(dataDf, stopWords)
The first step in this script is to create the stopWords
list. For this, we will be taking the help of the nltk
package (Lines 22 and 23). Next, we initialize the dataframe using the input file in csv
format (Line 26). This is followed by using the preprocess
function to remove the stop-words from the input sentences (Line 29).
# store the number of classification heads numClasses = len(processedDf["sentiment"].unique()) # create the tokenizers for data and labels (tokenizerData, tokenizerLabels) = prepare_tokenizerBOW(processedDf, topWords=106) # create integer sequences of the data using tokenizer trainSeqs = tokenizerData.texts_to_sequences(processedDf["sentence"]) trainLabels = tokenizerLabels.texts_to_sequences(processedDf["sentiment"]) # create the Bag-of-Words feature representation encodedDocs = tokenizerData.texts_to_matrix(processedDf["sentence"].values, mode="count" ) # adjust the train label indices for training trainLabels = np.array(trainLabels) for num in range(len(trainLabels)): trainLabels[num] = trainLabels[num] - 1 # initialize the model for training BOWModel = build_shallow_net(inputDims = tokenizerData.num_words-1, numClasses=numClasses ) # fit the data into the model and store training details history =[:, 1:], trainLabels.astype('float32'), epochs=config.EPOCHS )
On Line 32, the number of output classes is stored. Next, the tokenizers for the data and labels are obtained using the prepare_tokenizerBOW
function on Line 35.
Now we can convert our words into integer sequences using the texts_to_sequences
function on Lines 38 and 39.
Using the texts_to_matrix
function, we convert our input text into the Bag-of-Words representation by setting the mode
argument to count
(Lines 42-44). This will count the number of times a word has occurred in a sentence, giving us vectorial representations of the sentences and occurrences for each word.
On Lines 47-49, we adjust the indices of the labels for training. The Bag-of-Words model is initialized (Lines 52-54), and the model is trained on the input data accordingly (Lines 57-60). Since the tokenizer creation adds the unknown word token as its first entry, we have considered all the words except starting from the 1st index and not the 0th index.
# create output directory if it doesn't already exist if not os.path.exists(config.OUTPUT_PATH): os.makedirs(config.OUTPUT_PATH) # plot the loss for BOW model print("[INFO] Plotting loss...") plt.plot(history.history["loss"]) plt.xlabel("epoch") plt.ylabel("loss") plt.savefig(config.BOW_LOSS) # get the weights for the first model layer representationsBOW = BOWModel.get_weights()[0] # apply dimensional reduction using TSNE tsneEmbed = (TSNE(n_components=2) .fit_transform(representationsBOW) ) # initialize a index counter indexCount = 1 # initialize the tsne figure plt.figure(figsize=(25, 5)) # loop over the tsne embeddings and plot the corresponding words print("[INFO] Plotting TSNE embeddings...") for (word, embedding) in tsneEmbed[:100]: plt.scatter(word, embedding) plt.annotate(tokenizerData.index_word[indexCount], (word, embedding)) indexCount += 1 plt.savefig(config.BOW_TSNE)
On Lines 63 and 64, we create the outputs folder if it doesn’t exist already.
On Lines 67-71, we plot the model loss with the help of the model history variable.
Now, we want to plot the Bag-of-Words representation space. Notice how the first layer of the model has the input dimensions equal to the number of words. If we assume each column corresponds to each word in the dataset, the weights of this layer can be considered our embedding space.
Hence, grab the weights of this layer on Line 74 and apply TSNE embedding for dimension reductions (Lines 77-79). We proceed to plot the TSNE plot for each word for inference.
Training the Word2Vec Model
Now we will move on to the Word2Vec
model. To train it, we have to execute the
# USAGE # python -W ignore # set seed for reproducibility import tensorflow as tf tf.random.set_seed(42) # import the necessary packages from pyimagesearch import config from pyimagesearch.data_processing import preprocess from pyimagesearch.data_processing import prepare_tokenizerW2V from sklearn.manifold import TSNE import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import tensorflow as tf from tqdm import tqdm import pandas as pd import numpy as np import nltk import os # prepare stop-words using the NLTK package"stopwords") stopWords = nltk.corpus.stopwords.words("english") # initialize the dataframe from csv format dataDf = pd.read_csv("datadf.csv") # preprocess the dataframe processedDf = preprocess(dataDf, stopWords)
As done in the Bag-of-Words script, the first step in this script is to create the stopWords
list. For this, we will be taking the help of the nltk
package (Lines 22 and 23). Next, we initialize the dataframe using the input file in csv
format (Line 26). This is followed by using the preprocess
function to remove the stop-words from the input sentences (Line 29).
# store the number of classification heads numClasses = len(processedDf["sentiment"].unique()) # create the tokenizers for data and labels (tokenizerData) = prepare_tokenizerW2V(processedDf, topWords=200) # create integer sequences of the data using tokenizer trainSeqs = tokenizerData.texts_to_sequences(processedDf["sentence"]) trainLabels = tokenizerData.texts_to_sequences(processedDf["sentiment"]) # create the representational matrices as variable tensors contextVectorMatrix = tf.Variable( np.random.rand(200, config.EMBEDDING_SIZE) ) centerVectorMatrix = tf.Variable( np.random.rand(200, config.EMBEDDING_SIZE) ) # initialize the optimizer and create an empty list to log the loss optimizer = tf.optimizers.Adam() lossList = list()
On Line 32, we store the number of output classes. Next, the single tokenizer covering both the data and labels is created on Line 35.
The word sequences are converted into integer sequences using the texts_to_sequences
function of the tokenizer (Lines 38 and 39).
For the Word2Vec architecture, we then initialize the context and center word matrices on Lines 42-47. This is followed by the Adam
optimizer and an empty loss-list initialization (Lines 50 and 51).
# loop over the training epochs print("[INFO] Starting Word2Vec training...") for iter in tqdm(range(config.ITERATIONS)): # initialize the loss per epoch lossPerEpoch = 0 # loop over the indexes and labels for idxs,trgt in zip(trainSeqs, trainLabels): # convert label into integer trgt = trgt[0] # initialize the gradient tape with tf.GradientTape() as tape: # initialize the combined context vector combinedContext = 0 # update the combined context with each index for count,index in enumerate(idxs): combinedContext += contextVectorMatrix[index,:] # standardize the vector combinedContext /= len(idxs) # matrix multiply the center vector matrix # with the combined context output = tf.matmul(centerVectorMatrix, tf.expand_dims(combinedContext ,1)) # calculate the softmax output and # grab the relevant index for loss calculation softOut = tf.nn.softmax(output, axis=0) loss = softOut[trgt] logLoss = -tf.math.log(loss) # update the loss per epoch and apply the gradients to the # embedding matrices lossPerEpoch += logLoss.numpy() grad = tape.gradient( logLoss, [contextVectorMatrix, centerVectorMatrix] ) optimizer.apply_gradients( zip(grad, [contextVectorMatrix, centerVectorMatrix]) ) # update the loss list lossList.append(lossPerEpoch)
On Line 55, we start iterating over the training epochs and initialize a lossPerEpoch
variable on Line 57.
Next, we loop over the indices and labels of the training sequence and labels (Line 60) and first convert the label list into a single variable (Line 62).
We initialize a gradient tape on Line 65. The sentence indices are used to extract the context vectors from the context matrix, and the outputs are added together, followed by normalization (Lines 67-74).
The combined context vector is multiplied by the center vector matrix, and the result is passed through a softmax
function (Lines 78-83). The relevant center word index is grabbed for loss calculation, and the negative logarithm of the index is calculated (Lines 84 and 85).
Once out of the loop, the lossPerEpoch
variable is updated. The gradients are applied to the two embedding matrices (Lines 89-95).
Finally, once an epoch is over, the lossPerEpoch
variable is added to the loss list (Line 98).
# create output directory if it doesn't already exist if not os.path.exists(config.OUTPUT_PATH): os.makedirs(config.OUTPUT_PATH) # plot the loss for evaluation print("[INFO] Plotting Loss...") plt.plot(lossList) plt.xlabel("epoch") plt.ylabel("loss") plt.savefig(config.W2V_LOSS) # apply dimensional reductionality using tsne for the # representation matrices tsneEmbed = ( TSNE(n_components=2) .fit_transform(contextVectorMatrix.numpy()) ) # initialize a index counter indexCount = 1 # initialize the tsne figure plt.figure(figsize=(25, 5)) # loop over the tsne embeddings and plot the corresponding words print("[INFO] Plotting TSNE Embeddings...") for (word, embedding) in tsneEmbed[:100]: if indexCount != 108: plt.scatter(word, embedding) plt.annotate(tokenizerData.index_word[indexCount], (word, embedding)) indexCount += 1 plt.savefig(config.W2V_TSNE)
On Lines 101 and 102, we create the outputs folder if it doesn’t exist already.
On Lines 105-109, we plot the loss for the Word2Vec model. This is followed by creating the TSNE plot from the embedding matrix (Lines 113-131). The words corresponding to their indices are plotted on the TSNE plot to assess associations formed.
Training Results and Visualizations
Let’s look at how the training for both the architectures fared.
[nltk_data] Downloading package stopwords to /root/nltk_data... [nltk_data] Package stopwords is already up-to-date! Epoch 1/30 1/1 [==============================] - 0s 452ms/step - loss: 1.4033 - accuracy: 0.2333 Epoch 2/30 1/1 [==============================] - 0s 4ms/step - loss: 1.2637 - accuracy: 0.7000 Epoch 3/30 1/1 [==============================] - 0s 4ms/step - loss: 1.1494 - accuracy: 0.8667 ... Epoch 27/30 1/1 [==============================] - 0s 5ms/step - loss: 0.0439 - accuracy: 1.0000 Epoch 28/30 1/1 [==============================] - 0s 4ms/step - loss: 0.0374 - accuracy: 1.0000 Epoch 29/30 1/1 [==============================] - 0s 3ms/step - loss: 0.0320 - accuracy: 1.0000 Epoch 30/30 1/1 [==============================] - 0s 3ms/step - loss: 0.0275 - accuracy: 1.0000 [INFO] Plotting loss... [INFO] Plotting TSNE embeddings...
With our small input dataset, the Bag-of-Words model quickly reached 100% accuracy and fit on the data. However, we will leave our final assessment based on the TSNE plots. The Loss plot can be seen in Figure 3.
The loss dipped pretty nicely. For the given dataset, our model overfits on it perfectly.
[nltk_data] Downloading package stopwords to /root/nltk_data... [nltk_data] Package stopwords is already up-to-date! [INFO] Starting Word2Vec training... 100% 1000/1000 [04:52<00:00, 3.42it/s] [INFO] Plotting Loss... [INFO] Plotting TSNE Embeddings...
Since the Word2Vec model is built directly by us, we will be assessing the loss based on the loss plot in Figure 4.
The Word2Vec loss, albeit more difficult than the Bag-of-Words (since there are more labels), dipped nicely for our small dataset. Let’s look at the TSNE plots!
In Figures 5 and 6, we have the TSNE plots for Bag-of-Words and Word2Vec, respectively.
Upon closer inspection (click to enlarge the image), we can see that although no definite groupings have formed, there are some similar context words in more or less close proximity to each other. For example, we can see food items like “burger” and “pizza” close to each other.
However, we must remember that in Bag-of-Words, complete sentences are considered as inputs. This can be why no definite groupings are formed for words. Another reason can be that dimensional reductionality has led to a loss of information. Adding another dense layer makes it less dependent on the weights of the layer we are considering.
In Figure 6, we have the TSNE plot for Word2Vec.
Instantly, we can see that several groupings are seen. You can zoom in to these images in the colaboratory version of the code and check the groupings. The difference between standard Continuous Bag-of-Words and what we have done today lies in the fact that rather than considering windows and center words in sentences, we have a definite label for each sentence.
This has made it easier for the matrices to create groupings upon training. The result here is clearly better than Bag-of-Words. However, if you want to draw your own conclusions, don’t forget to try this on your own data.
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In today’s tutorial, we learned the fundamental difference between Bag-of-Words and Word2Vec. Both are big stepping stones in the world of NLP, but it is important to understand why both of these techniques adhere to the usage of embeddings in their own way.
We worked on a small dataset to understand the essence of where these two approaches diverge. The TSNE plots show a substantial difference, even though the BOW architecture showed a lower final loss value. That leaves an intriguing conclusion about understanding more about embedding spaces.
A trip back to our 2nd blog post in this series would show us that the Word2Vec approaches had very high loss values. But despite that, the visualizations were very intuitive and showed many visual groupings. The reason for the high loss can be explained by the many “labels” based on the several center words appearing for each sentence.
However, that issue is no longer prevalent here since we have fixed labels for each sentence. So naturally, the Word2Vec approach showed instant groupings for this dataset.
This can be further experimented upon with a bigger dataset to reach more definitive conclusions. Still, the results today question the right metric to use when assessing an approach.
Citation Information
Chakraborty, D. “Comparison Between Bag-of-Words and Word2Vec,” PyImageSearch, P. Chugh, A. R. Gosthipaty, S. Huot, K. Kidriavsteva, R. Raha, and A. Thanki, eds., 2022,
@incollection{Chakraborty_2022_Comparison, author = {Devjyoti Chakraborty}, title = {Comparison Between {BagofWords} and {Word2Vec}}, booktitle = {PyImageSearch}, editor = {Puneet Chugh and Aritra Roy Gosthipaty and Susan Huot and Kseniia Kidriavsteva and Ritwik Raha and Abhishek Thanki}, year = {2022}, note = {}, }
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