In this tutorial, you will learn how to perform online/incremental learning with Keras and Creme on datasets too large to fit into memory.
A few weeks ago I showed you how to use Keras for feature extraction and online learning — we used that tutorial to perform transfer learning and recognize classes the original CNN was never trained on.
To accomplish that task we needed to use Keras to train a very simple feedforward neural network on the features extracted from the images.
However, what if we didn’t want to train a neural network?
What if we instead wanted to train a Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes, or Decision Tree model on top of the data? Or what if we wanted to perform feature selection or feature processing before training such a model?
You may be tempted to use scikit-learn — but you’ll soon realize that scikit-learn does not treat incremental learning as a “first-class citizen” — only a few online learning implementations are included in scikit-learn and they are awkward to use, to say the least.
Instead, you should use Creme, which:
- Implements a number of popular algorithms for classification, regression, feature selection, and feature preprocessing.
- Has an API similar to scikit-learn.
- And makes it super easy to perform online/incremental learning.
In the remainder of this tutorial I will show you how to:
- Use Keras + pre-trained CNNs to extract robust, discriminative features from an image dataset.
- Utilize Creme to perform incremental learning on a dataset too large to fit into RAM.
Let’s get started!
To learn how to perform online/incremental learning with Keras and Creme, just keep reading!
Online/Incremental Learning with Keras and Creme
In the first part of this tutorial, we’ll discuss situations where we may want to perform online learning or incremental learning.
We’ll then discuss why the Creme machine learning library is the appropriate choice for incremental learning.
We’ll be using Kaggle’s Dogs vs. Cats dataset for this tutorial — we’ll spend some time briefly reviewing the dataset.
From there, we’ll take a look at our directory structure from the project.
Once we understand the directory structure, we’ll implement a Python script that will be used to extract features from the Dogs vs. Cats dataset using Keras and a CNN pre-trained on ImageNet.
Given our extracted features (which will be too big to fit into RAM), we’ll use Creme to train a Logistic Regression model in an incremental learning fashion, ensuring that:
- We can still train our classifier, despite the extracted features being too large to fit into memory.
- We can still obtain high accuracy, even though we didn’t have access to “all” features at once.
Why Online Learning/Incremental Learning?
Whether you’re working with image data, text data, audio data, or numerical/categorical data, you’ll eventually run into a dataset that is too large to fit into memory.
What then?
- Do you head to Amazon, NewEgg, etc. and purchase an upgraded motherboard with maxed out RAM?
- Do you spin up a high memory instance on a cloud service provider like AWS or Azure?
You could look into one of those options — and in some cases, they are totally reasonable avenues to explore.
But my first choice would be to apply online/incremental learning.
Using incremental learning you can work with datasets too large to fit into RAM and apply popular machine learning techniques, including:
- Feature preprocessing
- Feature selection
- Classification
- Regression
- Clustering
- Ensemble methods
- …and more!
Incremental learning can be super powerful — and today you’ll learn how to apply it to your own data.
Why Creme for Incremental Learning?

Neural networks and deep learning are a form of incremental learning — we can train such networks on one sample or one batch at a time.
However, just because we can apply neural networks to a problem doesn’t mean we should.
Instead, we need to bring the right tool to the job. Just because you have a hammer in your hand doesn’t mean you would use it to bang in a screw.
Incremental learning algorithms encompass a set of techniques used to train models in an incremental fashion.
We often utilize incremental learning when a dataset is too large to fit into memory.
The scikit-learn library does include a small handful of online learning algorithms, however:
- It does not treat incremental learning as a first-class citizen.
- The implementations are awkward to use.
Enter the Creme library — a library exclusively dedicated to incremental learning with Python.
The library itself is fairly new but last week I had some time to hack around with it.
I really enjoyed the experience and found the scikit-learn inspired API very easy to use.
After going through the rest of this tutorial, I think you’ll agree with me when I say, Creme is a great little library and I wish the developers and maintainers all the best with it — I hope that the library continues to grow.
The Dogs vs. Cats Dataset
The dataset we’ll be using here today is Kaggle’s Dogs vs. Cats dataset.
The dataset includes 25,000 examples, evenly distributed:
- Dogs: 12,500 images
- Cats: 12,500 images
Our goal is to apply transfer learning to:
- Extract features from the dataset using Keras and a pre-trained CNN.
- Use online/incremental learning via Creme to train a classifier on top of the features in an incremental fashion.
Setting up your Creme environment
While Creme requires a simple pip install, we have some other packages to install for today’s example too. Today’s required packages include:
- OpenCV
- imutils
- scikit-learn
- TensorFlow
- Keras
- Creme
To configure your system for this tutorial, I recommend following either of these tutorials:
Either tutorial will help you configure your system with all the necessary software for this blog post in a convenient Python virtual environment. Please note that PyImageSearch does not recommend or support Windows for CV/DL projects.
From there, install Creme:
$ workon dl4cv $ pip install creme
Let’s ensure everything is properly installed by launching a Python interpreter:
$ workon cv $ python >>> import cv2 >>> import imutils >>> import sklearn >>> import tensorflow >>> import creme >>>
Provided that there are no errors, your environment is ready for incremental learning.
Project Structure
To set up your project, please follow the following steps:
- Use the “Downloads” section of this blog post and follow the instructions to download the code.
- Download the code to somewhere on your system. For example, you could download it to your
folder. - Open a terminal,
into the same folder where the zip resizes. Unzip/extract the files viaunzip
. Keep your terminal open. - Log into Kaggle (required for downloading data).
- Head to the Kaggle Dogs vs. Cats “Data” page.
- Click the little download button next to only the file. Save it into
(or wherever you extracted the blog post files). - Back in your terminal, extract the dataset via
Now let’s review our project structure:
$ tree --dirsfirst --filelimit 10 . ├── train [25000 entries] ├── ├── features.csv ├── └── 1 directory, 4 files
You should see a train/
directory with 25,000 files. This is where your actual dog and cat images reside. Let’s list a handful of them:
$ ls train | sort -R | head -n 10 dog.271.jpg cat.5399.jpg dog.3501.jpg dog.5453.jpg cat.7122.jpg cat.2018.jpg cat.2298.jpg dog.3439.jpg dog.1532.jpg cat.1742.jpg
As you can see, the class label (either “cat” or “dog”) is included in the first few characters of the filename. We’ll parse the class name out later.
Back to our project tree, under the train/
directory are
and features.csv
. These files are not included with the “Downloads”. You should have already downloaded and extracted
from Kaggle’s website. We will learn how to extract features and generate the large 12GB+ features.csv
file in the next section.
The two Python scripts we’ll be reviewing are
. Let’s begin by extracting features with Keras!
Extracting Features with Keras
Before we can perform incremental learning, we first need to perform transfer learning and extract features from our Dogs vs. Cats dataset.
To accomplish this task, we’ll be using the Keras deep learning library and the ResNet50 network (pre-trained on ImageNet). Using ResNet50, we’ll allow our images to forward propagate to a pre-specified layer.
We’ll then take the output activations of that layer and treat them as a feature vector. Once we have feature vectors for all images in our dataset, we’ll then apply incremental learning.
Let’s go ahead and get started.
Open up the
file and insert the following code:
# import the necessary packages from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder from tensorflow.keras.applications import ResNet50 from tensorflow.keras.applications.resnet50 import preprocess_input from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.image import img_to_array from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.image import load_img from imutils import paths import numpy as np import argparse import pickle import random import os # construct the argument parser and parse the arguments ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument("-d", "--dataset", required=True, help="path to input dataset") ap.add_argument("-c", "--csv", required=True, help="path to output CSV file") ap.add_argument("-b", "--batch-size", type=int, default=32, help="batch size for the network") args = vars(ap.parse_args())
On Lines 2-12, all the packages necessary for extracting features are imported. Most notably this includes ResNet50
. ResNet50 is the convolutional neural network (CNN) we are using for transfer learning (Line 3).
Three command line arguments are then parsed via Lines 15-22:
: The path to our input dataset (i.e. Dogs vs. Cats).--csv
: File path to our output CSV file.--batch-size
: By default, we’ll use a batch size of32
. This will accommodate most CPUs and GPUs.
Let’s go ahead and load our model:
# load the ResNet50 network and store the batch size in a convenience # variable print("[INFO] loading network...") model = ResNet50(weights="imagenet", include_top=False) bs = args["batch_size"]
On Line 27, we load the model
while specifying two parameters:
: Pre-trained ImageNet weights are loaded for transfer learning.include_top=False
: We do not include the fully-connected head with the softmax classifier. In other words, we chop off the head of the network.
With weights loaded, and by loading our model without the head, we are now ready for transfer learning. We will use the output values of the network directly, storing the results as feature vectors.
Our feature vectors will each be 100,352-dim (i.e. 7 x 7 x 2048 which are the dimensions of the output volume of ResNet50 without the FC layer header).
From here, let’s grab our imagePaths
and extract our labels:
# grab all image paths in the input directory and randomly shuffle # the paths imagePaths = list(paths.list_images(args["dataset"])) random.seed(42) random.shuffle(imagePaths) # extract the class labels from the image paths, then encode the # labels labels = [p.split(os.path.sep)[-1].split(".")[0] for p in imagePaths] le = LabelEncoder() labels = le.fit_transform(labels)
On Lines 32-34, we proceed to grab all imagePaths
and randomly shuffle them.
From there, our class labels
are extracted from the paths themselves (Line 38). Each image path as the format:
- etc.
In a Python interpreter, we can test Line 38 for sanity. As you develop the parsing + list comprehension, your interpreter might look like this:
$ python >>> import os >>> label = "train/cat.0.jpg".split(os.path.sep)[-1].split(".")[0] >>> label 'cat' >>> imagePaths = ["train/cat.0.jpg", "train/dog.0.jpg", "train/dog.1.jpg"] >>> labels = [p.split(os.path.sep)[-1].split(".")[0] for p in imagePaths] >>> labels ['cat', 'dog', 'dog'] >>>
Lines 39 and 40 then instantiate and fit our label encoder, ensuring we can convert the string class labels to integers.
Let’s define our CSV columns and write them to the file:
# define our set of columns cols = ["feat_{}".format(i) for i in range(0, 7 * 7 * 2048)] cols = ["class"] + cols # open the CSV file for writing and write the columns names to the # file csv = open(args["csv"], "w") csv.write("{}\n".format(",".join(cols)))
We’ll be writing our extracted features to a CSV file.
The Creme library requires that the CSV file has a header and includes a name for each of the columns, namely:
- The name of the column for the class label
- A name for each of the features
Line 43 creates column names for each of the 7 x 7 x 2048 = 100,352 features while Line 44 defines the class name column (which will store the class label).
Thus, the first five rows and ten columns our CSV file will look like this:
$ head -n 5 features.csv | cut -d ',' -f 1-10 class,feat_0,feat_1,feat_2,feat_3,feat_4,feat_5,feat_6,feat_7,feat_8 1,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0 1,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0 0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0 0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
Notice how the class
is the first column. Then the columns span from feat_0
all the way to feat_100351
for a total of 100,352 features. If you edit the command to print more than 10 columns — say 5,000 — then you’ll see that not all the values are 0.
Moving on, let’s proceed to loop over the images in batches:
# loop over the images in batches for (b, i) in enumerate(range(0, len(imagePaths), bs)): # extract the batch of images and labels, then initialize the # list of actual images that will be passed through the network # for feature extraction print("[INFO] processing batch {}/{}".format(b + 1, int(np.ceil(len(imagePaths) / float(bs))))) batchPaths = imagePaths[i:i + bs] batchLabels = labels[i:i + bs] batchImages = []
We’ll loop over imagePaths
in batches of size bs
(Line 52).
Lines 58 and 59 then grab the batch of paths and labels, while Line 60 initializes a list to hold the batch of images.
Let’s loop over the current batch:
# loop over the images and labels in the current batch for imagePath in batchPaths: # load the input image using the Keras helper utility while # ensuring the image is resized to 224x224 pixels image = load_img(imagePath, target_size=(224, 224)) image = img_to_array(image) # preprocess the image by (1) expanding the dimensions and # (2) subtracting the mean RGB pixel intensity from the # ImageNet dataset image = np.expand_dims(image, axis=0) image = imagenet_utils.preprocess_input(image) # add the image to the batch batchImages.append(image)
Looping over paths in the batch (Line 63), we will load each image
, preprocess it, and gather it into batchImages
. The image
itself is loaded on Line 66.
We’ll preprocess the image by:
- Resizing to 224×224 pixels via the
parameter on Line 66. - Converting to array format (Line 67).
- Adding a batch dimension (Line 72).
- Performing mean subtraction (Line 73).
Note: If these preprocessing steps appear foreign, please refer to Deep Learning for Computer Vision with Python where I cover them in detail.
Finally, the image
is added to the batch via Line 76.
In order to extract features, we’ll now pass the batch of images through our network:
# pass the images through the network and use the outputs as our # actual features, then reshape the features into a flattened # volume batchImages = np.vstack(batchImages) features = model.predict(batchImages, batch_size=bs) features = features.reshape((features.shape[0], 7 * 7 * 2048)) # loop over the class labels and extracted features for (label, vec) in zip(batchLabels, features): # construct a row that consists of the class label and extracted # features vec = ",".join([str(v) for v in vec]) csv.write("{},{}\n".format(label, vec)) # close the CSV file csv.close()
Our batch of images is sent through the network via Lines 81 and 82.
Keep in mind that we have removed the fully-connected head layer of the network. Instead, the forward propagation stops prior to the average pooling layer. We will treat the output of this layer as a list of features
, also known as a “feature vector”.
The output dimension of the volume is (batch_size, 7 x 7 x ,2048). We can thus reshape
the features
into a NumPy array of shape (batch_size, 7 * 7 * 2048)
, treating the output of the CNN as a feature vector.
Maintaining our batch efficiency, the features
and associated class labels are written to our CSV file (Lines 86-90).
Inside the CSV file, the class label
is the first field in each row (enabling us to easily extract it from the row during training). The feature vec
The features CSV file is closed via Line 93, as the last step of our script.
Applying feature extraction with Keras
Now that we’ve coded up
, let’s apply it to our dataset.
Make sure you have:
- Used the “Downloads” section of this tutorial to download the source code.
- Downloaded the Dogs vs. Cats dataset from Kaggle’s website.
Open up a terminal and execute the following command:
$ python --dataset train --csv features.csv Using TensorFlow backend. [INFO] loading network... [INFO] processing batch 1/782 [INFO] processing batch 2/782 [INFO] processing batch 3/782 ... [INFO] processing batch 780/782 [INFO] processing batch 781/782 [INFO] processing batch 782/782
Using an NVIDIA K80 GPU the entire feature extraction process took 20m45s.
You could also use your CPU but keep in mind that the feature extraction process will take much longer.
After your script finishes running, take a look at the output size of features.csv
$ ls -lh features.csv -rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 12G Jun 10 11:16 features.csv
The resulting file is over 12GB!
And if we were to load that file into RAM, assuming 32-bit floats for the feature vectors, we would need 10.03GB!
Your machine may or may not have that much RAM…but that’s not the point. Eventually, you will encounter a dataset that is too large for you to work with in main memory. When that time comes, you need need to use incremental learning.
Incremental Learning with Creme
If you’re at this point in the tutorial then I will assume you have extracted features from the Dogs vs. Cats dataset using Keras and ResNet50 (pre-trained on ImageNet).
But what now?
We’ve made the assumption that the entire dataset of extracted feature vectors are too large to fit into memory — how can we train a machine learning classifier on that data?
Open up the
file and let’s find out:
# import the necessary packages from creme.linear_model import LogisticRegression from creme.multiclass import OneVsRestClassifier from creme.preprocessing import StandardScaler from creme.compose import Pipeline from creme.metrics import Accuracy from creme import stream import argparse
Lines 2-8 import packages required for incremental learning with Creme. We’ll be taking advantage of Creme’s implementation of LogisticRegression
. Creme’s stream
module includes a super convenient CSV data generator. Throughout training, we’ll calculate and print out our current Accuracy
with Creme’s built in metrics
Let’s now use argparse to parse our command line arguments:
# construct the argument parser and parse the arguments ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument("-c", "--csv", required=True, help="path to features CSV file") ap.add_argument("-n", "--cols", type=int, required=True, help="# of feature columns in the CSV file (excluding class column") args = vars(ap.parse_args())
Our two command line arguments include:
: The path to our input CSV features file.--cols
: Dimensions of our feature vector (i.e. how many columns there are in our feature vector).
Now that we’ve parsed our command line arguments, we need to specify the data types of our CSV file to use Creme’s stream
module properly:
# construct our data dictionary which maps the data types of the # columns in the CSV file to built-in data types print("[INFO] building column names...") types = {"feat_{}".format(i): float for i in range(0, args["cols"])} types["class"] = int
Line 21 builds a list of data types (floats) for every feature column of our CSV. We will have 100,352 floats.
Similarly, Line 22 specifies that our class
column is an integer type.
Next, let’s initialize our data generator and construct our pipeline:
# create a CSV data generator for the extracted Keras features dataset = stream.iter_csv(args["csv"], target="class", converters=types) # construct our pipeline model = Pipeline([ ("scale", StandardScaler()), ("learn", OneVsRestClassifier(classifier=LogisticRegression())) ])
Line 25 creates a CSV iterator that will stream
features + class labels to our model.
Lines 28-31 then constructs the model pipeline which:
- First performs standard scaling (scales data to have zero mean and unit variance).
- Then trains our Logistic Regression model in an incremental fashion (one data point at a time).
Logistic Regression is a binary classifier meaning that it can be used to predict only two classes (which is exactly what the Dogs vs. Cats dataset is).
However, if you want to recognize > 2 classes, you need to wrap LogisticRegression
in a OneVsRestClassifier
which fits one binary classifier per class.
Note: There’s no harm in wrapping LogisticRegression
in a OneVsRestClassifier
for binary classification so I chose to do so here, just so you can see how it’s done — just keep in mind that it’s not required for binary classification but is required for > 2 classes.
Let’s put Creme to work to train our model:
# initialize our metric print("[INFO] starting training...") metric = Accuracy() # loop over the dataset for (i, (X, y)) in enumerate(dataset): # make predictions on the current set of features, train the # model on the features, and then update our metric preds = model.predict_one(X) model = model.fit_one(X, y) metric = metric.update(y, preds) print("INFO] update {} - {}".format(i, metric)) # show the accuracy of the model print("[INFO] final - {}".format(metric))
Line 35 initializes our metric
(i.e., accuracy).
From there, we begin to loop over our dataset (Line 38). Inside the loop, we:
- Make a prediction on the current data point (Line 41). There are 25,000 data points (images), so this loop will run that many times.
- Update the
weights based on the prediction (Line 42). - Update and display our accuracy
(Lines 43 and 44).
Finally, the accuracy of the model is displayed in the terminal (Line 47).
Incremental Learning Results
We are now ready to apply incremental learning using Keras and Creme. Make sure you have:
- Used the “Downloads” section of this tutorial to download the source code.
- Downloaded the Dogs vs. Cats dataset from Kaggle’s website.
From there, open up a terminal and execute the following command:
$ python --csv features.csv --cols 100352 [INFO] building column names... [INFO] starting training... [INFO] update 0 - Accuracy: 0.00% [INFO] update 1 - Accuracy: 0.00% [INFO] update 2 - Accuracy: 33.33% [INFO] update 3 - Accuracy: 50.00% [INFO] update 4 - Accuracy: 60.00% [INFO] update 5 - Accuracy: 66.67% [INFO] update 6 - Accuracy: 71.43% [INFO] update 7 - Accuracy: 62.50% [INFO] update 8 - Accuracy: 66.67% [INFO] update 9 - Accuracy: 70.00% [INFO] update 10 - Accuracy: 72.73% [INFO] update 11 - Accuracy: 75.00% [INFO] update 12 - Accuracy: 76.92% [INFO] update 13 - Accuracy: 78.57% [INFO] update 14 - Accuracy: 73.33% [INFO] update 15 - Accuracy: 75.00% [INFO] update 16 - Accuracy: 76.47% [INFO] update 17 - Accuracy: 77.78% [INFO] update 18 - Accuracy: 78.95% [INFO] update 19 - Accuracy: 80.00% [INFO] update 20 - Accuracy: 80.95% [INFO] update 21 - Accuracy: 81.82% ... [INFO] update 24980 - Accuracy: 97.61% [INFO] update 24981 - Accuracy: 97.61% [INFO] update 24982 - Accuracy: 97.61% [INFO] update 24983 - Accuracy: 97.61% [INFO] update 24984 - Accuracy: 97.61% [INFO] update 24985 - Accuracy: 97.61% [INFO] update 24986 - Accuracy: 97.61% [INFO] update 24987 - Accuracy: 97.61% [INFO] update 24988 - Accuracy: 97.61% [INFO] update 24989 - Accuracy: 97.61% [INFO] update 24990 - Accuracy: 97.61% [INFO] update 24991 - Accuracy: 97.60% [INFO] update 24992 - Accuracy: 97.60% [INFO] update 24993 - Accuracy: 97.60% [INFO] update 24994 - Accuracy: 97.60% [INFO] update 24995 - Accuracy: 97.60% [INFO] update 24996 - Accuracy: 97.60% [INFO] update 24997 - Accuracy: 97.60% [INFO] update 24998 - Accuracy: 97.60% [INFO] update 24999 - Accuracy: 97.60% [INFO] final - Accuracy: 97.60%
After only 21 samples our Logistic Regression model is obtaining 81.82% accuracy.
Letting the model train on all 25,000 samples, we reach 97.6% accuracy which is quite respectable. The process took 6hr48m on my system.
Again, the key point here is that our Logistic Regression model was trained in an incremental fashion — we were not required to store the entire dataset in memory at once. Instead, we could train our Logistic Regression classifier one sample at a time.
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In this tutorial, you learned how to perform online/incremental learning with Keras and the Creme machine learning library.
Using Keras and ResNet50 pre-trained on ImageNet, we applied transfer learning to extract features from the Dogs vs. Cats dataset.
We have a total of 25,000 images in the Dogs vs. Cats dataset. The output volume of ResNet50 is 7 x 7 x 2048 = 100,352-dim. Assuming 32-bit floats for our 100,352-dim feature vectors, that implies that trying to store the entire dataset in memory at once would require 10.03GB of RAM.
Not all machine learning practitioners will have that much RAM on their machines.
And more to the point — even if you do have sufficient RAM for this dataset, you will eventually encounter a dataset that exceeds the physical memory on your machine.
When that occasion arises you should apply online/incremental learning.
Using the Creme library we trained a multi-class Logistic Regression classifier one sample at a time, enabling us to obtain 97.6% accuracy on the Dogs vs. Cats dataset.
I hope you enjoyed today’s tutorial!
Feel free to use the code in this blog post as a starting point for your own projects where online/incremental learning is required.
To download the source code to this post, and be notified when future tutorials are published here on PyImageSearch, just enter your email address in the form below!
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Very interesting! Another way to perform an incremental training could be by means of dask (using to_delay method and an iterator python). I use this way and works very well.
Thank you for your tutorials!! They are amazing!
Thanks so much Julio!
Hi, I think there is a misconception, or bad phrasing, with this article. Online/incremental learning is not about datasets too large to fit in memory. That is a common scenario where you just read a little data at a time, with a generator for example. Training always happens in batches, it does not really matter if those batches are read from memory or from disk.
Incremental/online learning is about deploying a model that keeps learning after the main training phase is over. You could see transfer learning as a special case of incremental learning but there is a more specific term for that.
Adding a new class, for example a new identity in a face identification model, running a small training without loosing too much of the current learning could be an example.
At least this is what I could verify on google.
Hey Lorenzo — online and incremental learning covers a large variety of techniques. In the practical sense many times it involves working with datasets too large to fit into memory. But in an even broader sense it may also encompass methods that involve adding classes, removing classes, or providing new examples for a particular set of classes.
I think Lorenzo is right.., as far as most of the deep learning courses and training that I’ve done.
Why do you use the 100,352-dim output volume of ResNet50 without the FC layer header instead of just the FC layer with 2048 dimensions?
You could do that and I would encourage you do so as an experiment 🙂
You’ll often find that the features learned by the FC layers become more “class specific” and less useful for transfer learning applications though. Not always, but usually the case.
Hi Lorenzo
I was also slightly confused with Adrian’s usage of ‘online learning’ here, I have heard this term used when model is in production and needs to be updated, say a facial recognition model needs to add or remove a user, or a time series model needs to add new data and so on. But having read Adrian’s usage here it makes perfect sense to call it both incremental and online learning
Online and incremental learning cover a variety of techniques and neither is limited exclusively to working with datasets too large to fit into memory or adding/removing classes.
Great material and ideas as usual, Adrian!
Thanks Denis!
Hi! This tutorial is very helpful,I am planing to try it out.
Just some questions before try the code, in this article I didn’t find part after the training progress, how can I test a new cat or dog image after this training? Or is there another article for that with Keras?
The feature extracting part is very interesting too,I was wondering by this way can it make a image search by finding looking into the csv and find most similar image with nearest feature.This part I’ll explore it myself to find out.
Thank for this great tutorial.
To make a prediction on a new image after training you would:
1. Save the Creme model to disk (after training)
2. Load the model
3. Load your test image
4. Extract features from it via Keras
5. Scale it
6. Pass the scaled features through the Creme model to obtain the final prediction
hi Adrian
i couldn’t able understand the 2 step, which model i have to load.
Hi Adrian,
Your tutorials are amazing. I love to read them.
I had a question. Say I trained a logistic regression model using creme and then saved the model to disk. Now I have some new data points using which I want to update my model.
Is it possible to load the model from disk and then update/train the model with the new data points in an incremental/online learning fashion
Yes, that is actually one of the central goals of incremental learning 🙂 Just load the model and continue training.
Hey Adrian, thanks a lot for the tutorial! I’ve been looking for something that will enable this form of incremental learning for facial recognition. Training a NN with new faces can’t be done in real-time, and using a classifier like an SVM leads to reduced accuracy as the number of faces increase. Can you point me in the right direction here?
This could be more of a problem related to your actual dataset than the underlying algorithm itself. How many example faces do you have per person?
I am making do with 3 pictures per face, captured live from a webcam. The issue is that as the number of people (classes) registered increases, the probability of a face belonging to particular class drops; so I need to compensate by reducing the threshold for a positive recognition. This manifests itself as a drop in accuracy (obviously, since I’m reducing the threshold). My goal here is that once a user is “registered”, they should be recognised immediately. Training a NN can’t happen that quickly, so I’m using SVM for the recognition section of the pipeline. Am I doing something horribly wrong here?
It’s hard to say without looking at your actual dataset, but 3 images per person is very low. You should read this guide where I recommend methods to increase your face recognition accuracy.
Hi Adrian,I have a raspberry, I followed your tutorials, so I realized face detection(CNN) and recognition (128-d face embeddings then classification using svm), and to improve the performances I used neural compute stick movidius, i want to ask you a question, my problem is that i use the cnn of the face detection with movidius and the recognition is done in the raspberry, can I merge two CNN model in one so I can use both at once in movidius.
Hey Abdou — this post doesn’t focus on face recognition, the RPi, or merging CNNs. I request that the comments section of the post be kept to questions related to the post. If you would like to learn about Raspberry Pi and face recognition, including detection on a single Movidus, refer to Raspberry Pi for Computer Vision.
Hi Adrian, thanks for the post! I have a question and would be pleased by any help from you. I am planning to use creme for real-time sound-wave prediction. The thing is complicated by the fact that speed of the fit-predict iteration should be comparable with the audio stream going on from my mike. I suggest sound wave being an endless timeseries going by one digit at a time. I use a moving-window concept (forget the first digit and add the new one to the end of my window). I tried to use stateful lstm with rest_states, but the speed of its action is too slow for the sound. Tried SGDRegressor from sklearn with partial_fit but it didn`t converge and now I want to experiment with creme. May be I do something fundamentally wrong in this task or may be even this task is unbearable due to the speed of the sound. I would appreciate any suggestion from you, it would be great. Thanks!!
This sounds like a neat project Aiho; however, I don’t have any tutorials for sound-wave prediction nor do I do much work in that area. Best of luck with it though!
Hi Adrian
Thank you for your post.
My question is how can we add more layer or nodes to creme pipeline .
ca we modify pipeline model?
Thank you.
Creme is just being used for Logistic Regression here. Creme is not a NN network library (Keras is though).
Hi Adrian,
Great Post!
I was looking for a way to perform incremental learning for image classification. This post really helps a lot. Thank you.
A question: Since I am using Python 2.7 and Creme only supports Python 3.6(+), can I use the saved model in Python 2.7?
No, you need to use Python 3. A saved model trained with Python 3 will not work with Python 2.7.
Hi Adrian, great tutorial.
I’m a bit lost as to why you didnt use a deep learning approach for the incremental learning part, but rather more traditional machine learning. It’s true you extracted the feature vector, so the deep learning part has been done by ResNet, but why dont you use a neural network model for classification too?
It’s just an example of how to use Creme for incremental learning. You could use a simple NN as well if you chose to do so. The problem then becomes tuning the parameters to the NN. A simple Logistic Regression model can be easier to tune.
I haven’t completely understand, could we add another class in increment step?
Thank you
Hi Adrian,
Thanks for this post. Yes , Creme is a new library which will be really helpful applying Incremental Learning techniques to some popular models like K-means and all. Kudos to the creators of that library.
I have 2 questions on your post –
1 – Is extracting features using Keras a mandatory process before applying Creme for incremental learning for every use case? Can’t i just use Creme directly on the incoming data stream to train my model on the fly and predict?
2 – In Incremental learning is training the model with a batch data set mandatory in the initial phase? I was thinking like the model will start learning as soon as it receives the first block of data from a continuous source stream like Kafka. The process will be something like – learn-predict, learn-predict, learn-predict and so on.
1. You could but you typically don’t use RGB pixel intensities as an input to a classifier. You instead either use a DL model or perform some sort of feature extraction.
2. Yes, you can do that as well.
Great article !!! Thank you very much
Thanks, I’m glad you enjoyed it 🙂
Hey, thank you for this tutorial. I have a question. Is it possible to perform the training in real-time, for example, animal classification?
I want to learn another class (rabbit) in real-time with 1 or 5 pictures with their labels capture live from a webcam while the CNN (or another Network) continue with the classification of the after classes(dogs and cats) and then it can classifier the new class.