Today’s tutorial is a Python implementation of my favorite blog post by Félix Abecassis on the process of text skew correction (i.e., “deskewing text”) using OpenCV and image processing functions.
Given an image containing a rotated block of text at an unknown angle, we need to correct the text skew by:
- Detecting the block of text in the image.
- Computing the angle of the rotated text.
- Rotating the image to correct for the skew.
We typically apply text skew correction algorithms in the field of automatic document analysis, but the process itself can be applied to other domains as well.
To learn more about text skew correction, just keep reading.
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The remainder of this blog post will demonstrate how to deskew text using basic image processing operations with Python and OpenCV.
We’ll start by creating a simple dataset that we can use to evaluate our text skew corrector.
We’ll then write Python and OpenCV code to automatically detect and correct the text skew angle in our images.
Creating a simple dataset
Similar to Félix’s example, I have prepared a small dataset of four images that have been rotated by a given number of degrees:
The text block itself is from Chapter 11 of my book, Practical Python and OpenCV, where I’m discussing contours and how to utilize them for image processing and computer vision.
The filenames of the four files follow:
$ ls images/ neg_28.png neg_4.png pos_24.png pos_41.png
The first part of the filename specifies whether our image has been rotated counter-clockwise (negative) or clockwise (positive).
The second component of the filename is the actual number of degrees the image has been rotated by.
The goal our text skew correction algorithm will be to correctly determine the direction and angle of the rotation, then correct for it.
To see how our text skew correction algorithm is implemented with OpenCV and Python, be sure to read the next section.
Deskewing text with OpenCV and Python
To get started, open up a new file and name it
From there, insert the following code:
# import the necessary packages import numpy as np import argparse import cv2 # construct the argument parse and parse the arguments ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument("-i", "--image", required=True, help="path to input image file") args = vars(ap.parse_args()) # load the image from disk image = cv2.imread(args["image"])
Lines 2-4 import our required Python packages. We’ll be using OpenCV via our cv2
bindings, so if you don’t already have OpenCV installed on your system, please refer to my list of OpenCV install tutorials to help you get your system setup and configured.
We then parse our command line arguments on Lines 7-10. We only need a single argument here, --image
, which is the path to our input image.
The image is then loaded from disk on Line 13.
Our next step is to isolate the text in the image:
# convert the image to grayscale and flip the foreground # and background to ensure foreground is now "white" and # the background is "black" gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) gray = cv2.bitwise_not(gray) # threshold the image, setting all foreground pixels to # 255 and all background pixels to 0 thresh = cv2.threshold(gray, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY | cv2.THRESH_OTSU)[1]
Our input images contain text that is dark on a light background; however, to apply our text skew correction process, we first need to invert the image (i.e., the text is now light on a dark background — we need the inverse).
When applying computer vision and image processing operations, it’s common for the foreground to be represented as light while the background (the part of the image we are not interested in) is dark.
A thresholding operation (Lines 23 and 24) is then applied to binarize the image:
Given this thresholded image, we can now compute the minimum rotated bounding box that contains the text regions:
# grab the (x, y) coordinates of all pixel values that # are greater than zero, then use these coordinates to # compute a rotated bounding box that contains all # coordinates coords = np.column_stack(np.where(thresh > 0)) angle = cv2.minAreaRect(coords)[-1] # the `cv2.minAreaRect` function returns values in the # range [-90, 0); as the rectangle rotates clockwise the # returned angle trends to 0 -- in this special case we # need to add 90 degrees to the angle if angle < -45: angle = -(90 + angle) # otherwise, just take the inverse of the angle to make # it positive else: angle = -angle
Line 30 finds all (x, y)-coordinates in the thresh
image that are part of the foreground.
We pass these coordinates into cv2.minAreaRect
which then computes the minimum rotated rectangle that contains the entire text region.
The cv2.minAreaRect
function returns angle values in the range [-90, 0). As the rectangle is rotated clockwise the angle value increases towards zero. When zero is reached, the angle is set back to -90 degrees again and the process continues.
Note: For more information on cv2.minAreaRect
, please see this excellent explanation by Adam Goodwin.
Lines 37 and 38 handle if the angle is less than -45 degrees, in which case we need to add 90 degrees to the angle and take the inverse.
Otherwise, Lines 42 and 43 simply take the inverse of the angle.
Now that we have determined the text skew angle, we need to apply an affine transformation to correct for the skew:
# rotate the image to deskew it (h, w) = image.shape[:2] center = (w // 2, h // 2) M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, 1.0) rotated = cv2.warpAffine(image, M, (w, h), flags=cv2.INTER_CUBIC, borderMode=cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE)
Lines 46 and 47 determine the center (x, y)-coordinate of the image. We pass the center
coordinates and rotation angle into the cv2.getRotationMatrix2D
(Line 48). This rotation matrix M
is then used to perform the actual transformation on Lines 49 and 50.
Finally, we display the results to our screen:
# draw the correction angle on the image so we can validate it cv2.putText(rotated, "Angle: {:.2f} degrees".format(angle), (10, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.7, (0, 0, 255), 2) # show the output image print("[INFO] angle: {:.3f}".format(angle)) cv2.imshow("Input", image) cv2.imshow("Rotated", rotated) cv2.waitKey(0)
Line 53 draws the angle
on our image so we can verify that the output image matches the rotation angle (you would obviously want to remove this line in a document processing pipeline).
Lines 57-60 handle displaying the output image.
Skew correction results
To grab the code + example images used inside this blog post, be sure to use the “Downloads” section at the bottom of this post.
From there, execute the following command to correct the skew for our neg_4.png
$ python --image images/neg_4.png [INFO] angle: -4.086
Here we can see that that input image has a counter-clockwise skew of 4 degrees. Applying our skew correction with OpenCV detects this 4 degree skew and corrects for it.
Here is another example, this time with a counter-clockwise skew of 28 degrees:
$ python --image images/neg_28.png [INFO] angle: -28.009
Again, our skew correction algorithm is able to correct the input image.
This time, let’s try a clockwise skew:
$ python --image images/pos_24.png [INFO] angle: 23.974
And finally a more extreme clockwise skew of 41 degrees:
$ python --image images/pos_41.png [INFO] angle: 41.037
Regardless of skew angle, our algorithm is able to correct for skew in images using OpenCV and Python.
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In today’s blog post I provided a Python implementation of Félix Abecassis’ approach to skew correction.
The algorithm itself is quite straightforward, relying on only basic image processing techniques such as thresholding, computing the minimum area rotated rectangle, and then applying an affine transformation to correct the skew.
We would commonly use this type of text skew correction in an automatic document analysis pipeline where our goal is to digitize a set of documents, correct for text skew, and then apply OCR to convert the text in the image to machine-encoded text.
I hope you enjoyed today’s tutorial!
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I would be very interested in how to extend this technique for 3 dimensions. e.g.: The common case where someone has taken a picture of some text using a camera phone, but from an off angle.
Adrian Rosebrock
This thread on Twitter was just brought to my attention and would likely be helpful for you.
That looks perfect. Thank you.
This method works nice for perfect scans (without noise) of justified text (or at least left or right aligned with many lines). Better approach would be detecting blank space between lines and finding mean angle of lines fitting in this space. Is there a way to do this efficiently?
Adrian Rosebrock
For a more robust approach, take a look at the link in my reply to “Doug” above.
I implemented this technique in an application some time ago. It is simple and fast. But it is not very suitable when you have more complex layouts such as forms. The technique that work more accurately was to rotate the image in several angles from negative to positive and count what angle produced more white pixels (on binarized iamge) in every row.
But this is too slow. Could you point me to some approach that is faster than this, please?
Adrian Rosebrock
If you are working with form images I think it would be best to match areas of the forms to a template form rather than applying skew correction.
Hello Adrian,
Thanks for sharing this blog. Currently, I’m also working on complex layouts such as bank application forms. could be please share some material or link etc. to deal with the skewness issue in the bank form.
I get the right bounding boxes after threshold only if i swap indexes for np.where on line no 30.This would necessitate a inverse of the angle on line 48
Thanks Adrian for this informative post. It took me time to figure out how cv2.minAreaRect works. If the angle returned by the cv2.minAreaRect is bordering -45 ( let say -50 or -55), will this code not lead to the text being skewed in a perpendicular direction rather than a horizontal direction? Just asking out of curiosity
Thanks again
Adrian Rosebrock
I’m not sure what you mean, but Lines 37-43 handle this case. I would test out the code on an example image.
YOU ARE A GOD!!! Thanks alot! You did amazing job here. 🙂
Hi adrain.
coords = np.column_stack(np.where(thresh > 0)) what this function does? can we replace this function with coords = cv2.findNonZero(thresh). What about image if it is portrait?
Adrian Rosebrock
function returns the indexes of thethresh
array that have a pixel value greater than zero. Callingnp.column_stack
turns them into (x, y)-coordinates.Eric Xu
actually, np.where function returns (y,x)
image = np.array([
[0, 0, 1],
[0, 1, 1],
[0, 0, 0]])
y,x = np.where(image > 0)
coords = np.column_stack((x,y))
[[2 0]
[1 1]
[2 1]]
Mathew Orman
This is not usfull, it rotates rectangle not text. If image contains rotated and croped text this code returns angle = 0.0 and does not correct the skiew…
yeah. In my case also it ‘s behaving like that only.
OpenCV Learner
Dear Adrian,
I have used your codes and help so many times but never gave thanks.
Currently I am working on a summer project (just for fun) and I needed something like this to process rotated musical sheets. Works perfectly!
So many thanks to you and keep up the good work!
Adrian Rosebrock
Thank you for the comment, I’m happy to hear the tutorial helped you! 🙂 Best of luck with the rest of your summer projects. Projects like yours are the best way to learn. Keep it up!
Hi Adrian,
I’m using your code but getting the “cords” using cv2.findContours.
When doing that, my object was being rotated to the wrong direction. To fix that I needed to change “angle = -(90 + angle)” to “angle = (90 + angle)”; removed the minus sign.
What is the difference between the way you got the cords and “cv2.findContours”?
Adrian Rosebrock
The method I used takes all thresholded (x, y)-coordinates and uses them to estimate the rotation. The
function will only find the outline of the region, provided you are computing the bounding box.Eddie
I am trying to figure out how to make a box around the text bu this is not working very well…
rect = cv2.minAreaRect(coords)
box = cv2.boxPoints(rect)
box = np.int0(box)
Any ideas? Thanks!
Adrian Rosebrock
Hi Eddie — what errors are you getting, if any? What is the format of
? Without being on your system or having additional information, this is hard for me to solve.Nasser R. Sanchez
Hi Adrian,
First thank you so much for your great blog!
About Eddie’s question, I was also trying to paint a box around the text using pretty much the same instructions, there are no errors, just the rectangle comes up skew some degrees down clockwise (function: cv2.drawContours) but the angle comes up correct (function cv2.minAreaRect(coords)).
But the after some hours of trying and searching on internet, I realize it is something about the way numpy and opencv use the coordinate system.
For now what I did was swap the colums given by the numpy where function
coords = np.column_stack(np.where(wb > 0)[::-1])
And also change the angle calculation part, I think is also the problem that Gabriel has using the cv2.findContours to have the coords.
What I would like to ask you is, if just swapping the columns is the way to do it or if there is a better way.
Again thank you for your work done in your blog.
Adrian Rosebrock
Hi Nasser — swapping the columns seems perfectly reasonable here.
Somehow, the gray = cv2.bitwise_not(gray) make the output image blurred in some parts. If I comment this variable, the program not work anymore.
How to avoid that, the blur ?
Adrian Rosebrock
Hi Lucian — I haven’t encountered this issue before with
so I’m honestly not sure what the problem is here. Are you using the example images from the blog post or your own images?rex
the part you put [-90, 0)
is it a typo or it means something different?
Adrian Rosebrock
That is the range of the interval. “[” means “including” while “)” means “does not include”.
Hi Adrian, your code works beautifully for long lines but it’s easily confused by capitalized single words. Take the word “Example” for example 🙂 especially with a big graphic capital “E”. A similar situations is with words like “roll” where the final “l” ruins the game.
I’m thinking about looking for the floor of the words rather than a full box (I have single lines only), maybe find the bottom black pixel for each column and find the best line that fits best. I think I cannot just pick two, max and min, and fit a line through those, because letters with a long leg, like “p” may break it.
Maybe there is something simpler, maybe cutting the line in half and using hough lines? How would you approach this?
Adrian Rosebrock
There are a few ways to do this. One method would be to find the min and max (x, y)-values for a line. You could also use thresholding + morphological operations to close the gap in between lines as well.
Hi Adrian,
Can I use the same approach for detecting Italic fonts?
Adrian Rosebrock
The italic fonts would be naturally skewed so I think this method wouldn’t perform as well. Try it and see.
I’m a starter when working with opencv,
“angle = cv2.minAreaRect(coords)[-1]”,
what is the “[-1]” mean?
Adrian Rosebrock
function returns multiple values. The “-1” says we want the final value in the tuple. Be sure to read up on Python indexing as well as array slicing as well.lambert
thank you Adrian,it helps me a lot!
i’m from China and i think your tutorials about opencv is very practical and easy for starter to read,i will recommand more friends to study your tutorials.
Adrian Rosebrock
Thank you Lambert! 🙂
it doesnt work for image which is greater than +-40 degrees.. any way to fix it
Is it applicable to a live camera stream? I always get angle 0.0
how can i call just preprocessing and image skewing script in my c# project. To be specific what argument and how it has to be passed.
Adrian Rosebrock
Sorry, I don’t have any experience with OpenCV and C# together. First you should check if there is an OpenCV and C# integration (I assume there is). From there refer to the documentation for the proper function calls.
How can I make this work for ID cards. Instead of plain text images I have ID cards (driving license) but the program gives 0 degree.
Hey Adrian,
what if some of my images are vertical, how do i make them horizontal using this code?
Adrian Rosebrock
You can use the
function to change the orientation of your images.zhila
Adrian, I am beginner in python, I could not execute this code. I have this error usage: text [-h] -i IMAGE
text error: the following arguments are required: -i/–image.
Adrian Rosebrock
You need to pass the command line arguments to the script.
what if i have to do this on a image with black background?
Adrian Rosebrock
You invert the image using
Hello, thanks for these articles! I am wondering if you have a suggestion for upside down images of text?
Philipe Huan
hi, is there a way to apply the code in an image like a face image?
Adrian Rosebrock
You mean face alignment?
This method will work good when there is 90 degree rotation. If the image is rotated at 180 degree, this method would be failing. Is there any ways to solve this problem?
Tanishk Sachdeva
Hi Adrian is there any way where we can train a model to automatically detect the pos/neg and the angle so that we can use this approach in production where the user just uploads the image and we can align it.
Hello Adrian,
The code fails to perform skew correction when the angle is in range ( -2,0) or say for a small angle of inclination.
Any suggestions to improve efficiency?
Looking forward to hearing from you.