Today’s post is a followup to a previous (extremely popular) article on detecting barcodes in images using Python and OpenCV.
In the previous post we explored how to detect and find barcodes in images. But today we are going to refactor the code to detect barcodes in video.
As an example, check out the screenshot below (captured using a video stream from my webcam) of me holding up the back cover of Modern Warfare 3 and the barcode being detected successfully.
Note: Big thanks to Jason who commented on the original post and mentioned that it would be really cool to see barcode detection applied to video. Thanks for the suggestion! And you’re 100% right, it is really cool to see barcode detection applied to video.
For example, let’s pretend that we are working at GameStop on the 26th of December. There are a line of kids ten blocks long outside our store — all of them wanting to return or exchange a game (obviously, their parents or relatives didn’t make the correct purchase).
To speedup the exchange process, we are hired to wade out into the sea of teenagers and start the return/exchange process by scanning barcodes. But we have a problem — the laser guns at the register are wired to the computers at the register. And the chords won’t reach far enough into the 10-block long line!
However, we have a plan. We’ll just use our smartphones instead!
Using our trusty iPhones (or Androids), we open up our camera app, set it to video mode, and head into the abyss.
Whenever we hold a video game case with a barcode in front of our camera, our app will detect it, and then relay it back to the register.
Sound too good to be true?
Well. Maybe it is. After all, you can accomplish this exact same task using laser barcode readers and a wireless connection. And as we’ll see later on in this post that our approach only works in certain conditions.
But I still think this a good tutorial on how to utilize OpenCV and Python to read barcodes in video — and more importantly, it shows you how you can glue OpenCV functions together to build a real-world application.
Anyway, continue reading to learn how to detect barcodes in video using OpenCV and Python!
Real-time barcode detection in video with Python and OpenCV
So here’s the game plan. Our barcode detection in video system can be broken into two components:
- Component #1: A module that handles detecting barcodes in images (or in this case, frames of a video) Luckily, we already have this. We’ll just clean the code up a bit and reformat it to our purposes.
- Component #2: A driver program that obtains access to a video feed and runs the barcode detection module.
We’ll go ahead and start with the first component, a module to detect barcodes in single frames of a video.
Component 1: Barcode detection in frames of a video
I’m not going to do a complete and exhaustive code review of this component, that was handled in my previous post on barcode detection in images.
However, I will provide a quick review for the sake of completeness (and review a few minor updates). Open up a new file, name it
, and let’s get coding:
# import the necessary packages import numpy as np import cv2 import imutils def detect(image): # convert the image to grayscale gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # compute the Scharr gradient magnitude representation of the images # in both the x and y direction using OpenCV 2.4 ddepth = if imutils.is_cv2() else cv2.CV_32F gradX = cv2.Sobel(gray, ddepth=ddepth, dx=1, dy=0, ksize=-1) gradY = cv2.Sobel(gray, ddepth=ddepth, dx=0, dy=1, ksize=-1) # subtract the y-gradient from the x-gradient gradient = cv2.subtract(gradX, gradY) gradient = cv2.convertScaleAbs(gradient) # blur and threshold the image blurred = cv2.blur(gradient, (9, 9)) (_, thresh) = cv2.threshold(blurred, 225, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) # construct a closing kernel and apply it to the thresholded image kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (21, 7)) closed = cv2.morphologyEx(thresh, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel) # perform a series of erosions and dilations closed = cv2.erode(closed, None, iterations=4) closed = cv2.dilate(closed, None, iterations=4) # find the contours in the thresholded image cnts = cv2.findContours(closed.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) cnts = imutils.grab_contours(cnts) # if no contours were found, return None if len(cnts) == 0: return None # otherwise, sort the contours by area and compute the rotated # bounding box of the largest contour c = sorted(cnts, key=cv2.contourArea, reverse=True)[0] rect = cv2.minAreaRect(c) box = if imutils.is_cv2() else cv2.boxPoints(rect) box = np.int0(box) # return the bounding box of the barcode return box
If you read the previous post on barcode detection in images then this code should look extremely familiar.
The first thing we’ll do is import the packages we’ll need — NumPy for numeric processing and cv2
for our OpenCV bindings.
From there we define our detect
function on Line 6. This function takes a single argument, the image
(or frame of a video) that we want to detect a barcode in.
Line 8 converts our image to grayscale, while Lines 12-18 find regions of the image that have high horizontal gradients and low vertical gradients (again, if you would like more detail on this part of the code, refer to the previous post on barcode detection).
We then blur and threshold the image on Lines 21 and 22 so we can apply morphological operations to the image on Lines 25-30. These morphological operations are used to reveal the rectangular region of the barcode and ignore the rest of the contents of the image.
Now that we know the rectangular region of the barcode, we find its contour (or simply, its “outline”) on Lines 33-35.
If no outline can be found, then we make the assumption that there is no barcode in the image (Lines 38 and 39).
However, if we do find contours in the image, then we sort the contours by their area on Line 43 (where the contours with the largest area appear at the front of the list). Again, we are making the assumption that the contour with the largest area is the barcoded region of the frame.
Finally, we take the contour and compute its bounding box (Lines 44-46). This will give us the (x, y) coordinates of the barcoded region, which is returned to the calling function on Line 49.
Now that our simple barcode detector is finished, let’s move on to Component #2, the driver that glues everything together.
Component #2: Accessing our camera to detect barcodes in video
Let’s move on to building the driver to detect barcodes in video. Open up a new file, name it
, and let’s create the second component:
# import the necessary packages from pyimagesearch import simple_barcode_detection from import VideoStream import argparse import time import cv2 # construct the argument parse and parse the arguments ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument("-v", "--video", help="path to the (optional) video file") args = vars(ap.parse_args()) # if the video path was not supplied, grab the reference to the # camera if not args.get("video", False): vs = VideoStream(src=0).start() time.sleep(2.0) # otherwise, load the video else: vs = cv2.VideoCapture(args["video"])
Again, we’ll start our by importing the packages we need. I’ve placed our simple_barcode_detection
function in the pyimagesearch
module for organizational purposes. Then, we import argparse
for parsing command line arguments and cv2
for our OpenCV bindings.
Lines 9-12 handle parsing our command line arguments. We’ll need a single (optional) switch, --video
, which is the path to the video file on desk that contains the barcodes we want to detect.
Note: This switch is useful for running the example videos provided in the source code for this blog post. By omitting this switch you will be able to utilize the webcam of your laptop or desktop.
Lines 16-22 handle grabbing a reference to our vs
feed whether it is the webcam (Lines 16-18) or a video file (Lines 21 and 22).
Now that the setup is done, we can move on to applying our actual barcode detection module:
# keep looping over the frames while True: # grab the current frame and then handle if the frame is returned # from either the 'VideoCapture' or 'VideoStream' object, # respectively frame = frame = frame[1] if args.get("video", False) else frame # check to see if we have reached the end of the # video if frame is None: break # detect the barcode in the image box = simple_barcode_detection.detect(frame) # if a barcode was found, draw a bounding box on the frame if box is not None: cv2.drawContours(frame, [box], -1, (0, 255, 0), 2) # show the frame and record if the user presses a key cv2.imshow("Frame", frame) key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF # if the 'q' key is pressed, stop the loop if key == ord("q"): break # if we are not using a video file, stop the video file stream if not args.get("video", False): vs.stop() # otherwise, release the camera pointer else: vs.release() # close all windows cv2.destroyAllWindows()
On Line 25 we start looping over the frames of our video — this loop will continue to run until (1) the video runs out of frames or (2) we press the q
key on our keyboard and break from the loop.
We query our vs
on Line 29, which returns a 2-tuple. We handle whether we’re using VideoStream
or cv2.VideoCapture
on Line 30.
If the frame was not successfully grabbed (such as when we reach the end of the video file), we break from the loop on Lines 34 and 35.
Now that we have our frame, we can utilize our barcode detection module to detect a barcode in it — this handled on Line 38 and our bounding box is returned to us.
We draw our resulting bounding box around the barcoded region on Line 42 and display our frame to our screen on Line 45.
Finally, Lines 46-50 handle breaking from our loop if the q
key is pressed on our keyboard while Lines 53-61 cleanup pointers to our video stream object.
So as you can see, there isn’t much to our driver script!
Let’s put this code into action and look at some results.
Successful barcode detections in video
Let’s try some some examples. Open up a terminal and issue the following command:
$ python --video video/
The video at the top of this post demonstrates the output of our script. And below is a screenshot for each of the three successful barcode detections on the video games:
Let’s see if we can detect barcodes on a clothing coupon:
$ python --video video/
Here’s an example screenshot from the video stream:
And the full video of the output:
Of course, like I said that this approach only works in optimal conditions (see the following section for a detailed description of limitations and drawbacks).
Here is an example of where the barcode detection did not work:
In this case, the barcode is too far away from the camera and there are too many “distractions” and “noise” in the image, such as large blocks of text on the video game case.
This example is also clearly a failure, I just thought it was funny to include:
Again, this simple implementation of barcode detection will not work in all cases. It is not a robust solution, but rather an example of how simple image processing techniques can give surprisingly good results, provided that assumptions in the following section are met.
Limitations and Drawbacks
So as we’ve seen in this blog post, our approach to detecting barcodes in images works well — provided we make some assumptions regarding the videos we are detecting barcodes in.
The first assumption is that we have a static camera that is “looking down” on the barcode at a 90-degree angle. This will ensure that the gradient region of the barcoded image will be found by our simple barcode detector.
The second assumption is that our video has a “close up” of the barcode, meaning that we are holding our smartphones directly overtop of the barcode, and not holding the barcode far away from the lens. The farther we move the barcode away from the camera, the less successful our simple barcode detector will be.
So how do we improve our simple barcode detector?
Great question.
Christoph Oberhofer has provided a great review on how robust barcode detection is done in QuaggaJS. And my friend Dr. Tomasz Malisiewicz has written a fantastic post on how his VMX software can be utilized to train barcode detectors using machine learning. If you’re looking for the next steps, be sure to check out those posts!
Recognizing and decoding barcodes
Today we detected presence of barcodes. If you’re hoping to actually recognize and decode barcodes, then look no further than the following blog post: An OpenCV barcode and QR code scanner with ZBar. Using a package called ZBar, you’ll be able to decode barcodes into human readable text very easily.
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In this blog post we built upon our previous codebase to detect barcodes in images. We extended our code into two components:
- A component to detect barcodes in individual frames of a video.
- And a “driver” component that accesses the video feed of our camera or video file.
We then applied our simple barcode detector to detect barcodes in video.
However, our approach does make some assumptions:
- The first assumption is that we have a static camera view that is “looking down” on the barcode at a 90-degree angle.
- And the second assumption is that we have a “close up” view of the barcode without other interfering objects or noise in the view of the frame.
In practice, these assumptions may or may-not be guaranteeable. It all depends on the application you are developing!
At the very least I hope that this article was able to demonstrate to you some of the basics of image processing, and how these image processing techniques can be leveraged to build a simple barcode detector in video using Python and OpenCV.
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thank you for the great article 🙂
but i don’t understand about >> “I’ve placed our simple_barcode_detection function in the pyimagesearch module for organizational purposes.”
what is pyimagesearch module?
The PyImageSearch module is just a directory named
file inside it to indicate that it is a module to the Python programming language. Download the source code associated with this post to get a better idea regarding the organization of the code.Is there any means to decode the barcodes using python and opencv? I have used zbar to decode qrcodes . But didnt find much about the barcodes
The zbar library is pretty much standard for this type of thing. If you want to decode barcodes in Python + OpenCV, you’ll likely need to roll your own method.
Thanks a lot for the tutorial, it helped a lot!
One thing to notice: if someone by some reason is using OpenCV 3 instead of OpenCV 2 (as I am), then syntax should be a bit different in the
You can find a gist with the updated code here:
Awesome, thanks so much for sharing Dmitriy!
Hi Dmitriy,
The gist URL is giving me a 404 on github. Could you, please, check if it is correct?
Many thanks in advance!
Hi Mario,
Thanks! It is something strange with that gist – it was correct several days ago, but now it’s disappeared.
Please find the new one (hope this one will survive):
Hey Dmitriy — it looks like that one is 404’ing too. If you to email me the .py file, I’ll create a Gist under my personal account and it can live there.
Hi Adrian,
I’ve realized what was wrong: provided link it is a link for the gist cloning, not for the page itself, sorry. 🙂 So, you just need to remove “.git” from the end of the link and then it will work OK.
Done! I have updated the original comments to remove the “.git”. The links are working perfectly now. Thanks again Dmitriy!
Hi Adrian,
I executed the program. There wasn’t any error and the video frame did not pop up to show the detection either. What do i miss out?
Where you using a builtin/USB camera? Or a Raspberry Pi camera module? If there wasn’t an error and a video frame did not pop up, the OpenCV is having trouble accessing your video stream via the
method. Go back and make sure that OpenCV can access your video stream.Me too, I change threshold values(line 20) from 255, 255 to 127, 255 and work fine. I use opencv3 and python2 in W10.
Thanks for all to every body.
Hi! I’m doing my project, and trying to use your code, but it doesn’t work! I’m using my Raspberry Pi with the Pi Camera module and the program start, but end real quick. What I’m doing wrong? It does’t even turn on the Pi Camera and does not trough any errors. What Can I DO?
The code is this program is designed for a USB webcam, not the Raspberry Pi camera module. You can access the Raspberry Pi camera module in this post. Or better yet, modify the code to use the unifying VideoStream class.
Hi, Adrian
The script runs well without any errors and a video frame also pops up but it is unable to detect any barcodes.
Sometimes it throws random tiny rectangles but doesn’t detect any barcodes.
PS: I’m using a RaspberryPi-3 , OpenCV-3 and Python-2.7. But I’ve made the four changes in line numbers – 11, 12, 31 and 42 , to make the code compatible with OpenCV-3.
Please help me resolve the issue.
Also, Can I use Zbar for barcode recognition with the above mentioned specifications?
Are you using the example video I provided or using your own custom videos? Keep in mind that the barcode must be horizontal in order for it to be etected.
Hi, Adrian
Can your code read the pdf417 barcode? Or what would I’ve to do to achieve it?
Plis answer me, i’m desperate with this
I would take a look at the zbar library. According to their source code it seems like you might be able to read the pdf417 barcode.
no any error with barcode image any output. The detect function is not work.
I give this command python –image barcode_01.jpg in terminal and no any outpt. and no any error
This blog post is on real-time barcode detection in video. Is there a particular reason why you are passing in a .JPG file instead of a video file?
Hey! This really helped. Thanks a lot. I have just started learning opencv, and this really made my day. Can you suggest some good ways of picking up OpenCv and Image processing? Thanks once Again! 😀
Hi Atharva, thanks for the comment. It’s wonderful to hear that you’ve found the PyImageSearch blog helpful.
If you’re just getting started with OpenCV and image processing I would suggest you work through my book, Practical Python and OpenCV.
1,000’s of readers have worked through the book and found it super helpful to learning the fundamentals.
Is there any way I could do this with the newest OpenCV 3.3 ?
Yes, a handful of the parameters need to be updated. In particular
and the call to the Sobel/Scharr kernels. Take a look at more recent posts on PyImageSearch and you’ll learn how it’s done.hey adrian, can you teach me how to save that barcode into excel?
Save the value of the barcode?
i mean, when decode barcode output value display on python shell. how to get that value save into excel files?
sorry for my bad english
I haven’t written any tutorials on decoding the actual barcode value. Take a look at libraries like ZBar which are dedicated to decoding barcodes.
thanks for this useful tutorials..
may i know whether this code and theory can be applied when detecting qr code?
if not, may i know what is the change?
hi adrian,
i wanna know if this code can be used for detecting qr code?
if not, where does the change supposed to be made?
I would suggest using zbar for QR codes.
Can you hepl me how to use canny edge detector instead of sobel?
This blog post will help you get started with edge detection. I also cover edge detection inside Practical Python and OpenCV and the PyImageSearch Gurus course.
I am getting an error at the line cv2.drawContours(frame,box,-1,(0,255,0),2)
it says “cv2.error:(-215) reader.ptr !=0 in function cvDrawContours
Could you just guide me how to resolve this error?
it doesn’t make much difference even I put ‘box’ in square braces.
I don’t believe I have encountered that error before. Did you use this code when trying to detect the barcodes?
yes.. I have used this code only. What might be the reason for it? when I run the code, it just opens up camera and shuts down and shows the above error.
I have exactly same issue. I’m using Python2.7, OpenCV3.4.1.
What operating system are you using?
same error is being repeated
cv2.error:(-215) reader.ptr !=0 in function cvDrawContours
Camera just opens and when I try to pose barcode on to webcam, it shuts down automatically and throws the above error.what is this error. I dont even get the ans in google
It sounds like there is a problem with the actual extraction of the contours. Can you clarify if you used the “Downloads” section of this blog post to download the code + example images or did you copy and paste? Additionally, what version of OpenCV and Python are you using?
I have downloaded thru the link on this page and encountered the same issue.
I am using Python 3.6.5 with cv2 3.4.0.
I get the same error and used the Downloads section code. The code does work on webcam (tested with receipt), but fails on the videos (, Both video files can be played with Videos player (ubuntu).
Ubuntu 16
python –video video/
cv2.drawContours(frame, [box], -1, (0, 255, 0), 2)
(-215) reader.ptr != NULL in function cvDrawContours
I re-ran the code with a video clip I made with a book bar code and the program worked. I think the issue is that the video clips that were included do not have a barcode in them at the beginning which throws the error. So, anytime there is no barcode detected (false positives a good thing?) in a frame, the program throws the “reader.ptr != NULL” error. Might be good to check if box has a value before drawing out to the frame…
# if a barcode was found, draw a bounding box on the frame
cv2.drawContours(frame, [box], -1, (0, 255, 0), 2)
added the following check and program works now:
# detect the barcode in the image
box = simple_barcode_detection.detect(frame)
if box is None:
# if a barcode was found, draw a bounding box on the frame
cv2.drawContours(frame, [box], -1, (0, 255, 0), 2)
Congrats on resolving the issue and thanks so much for sharing the fix!
I wanted to make a program that recognises a face and emotion along with bar code detection. I know how to do these individually. I can’t work my way around to make all 3 happen in the same frame. Could you please tell me how to do that.
I’m not sure I understand the project. You’re trying to recognize faces + emotions that have barcodes on them?
This doesn’t work for datamatrix and I learnt that Zbar doesn’t support datamatrix. So how do I do this for DataMatrix type codes?
i want to directly scan the barcode with given region.
You can specify the (x, y)-coordinates of the array slice and then crop out that region. Refer to Practical Python and OpenCV if you have not done that before.