When it comes to deep learning, Keras is my favorite Python library…
…but a close runner up is mxnet.
What I like about mxnet is that it combines the best of both worlds in terms of performance and ease of use. Inside mxnet you’ll find:
- Caffe-like binaries to help you build efficiently packed image datasets/record files.
- A Keras-like syntax for the Python programming language to easily build deep learning models.
- Methods to train deep neural networks on multiple GPUs and scale across multiple machines.
Whenever I’m implementing a Convolutional Neural Network I tend to use Keras first. Keras is less verbose than mxnet and is often easier to implement a given neural network architecture + training procedure.
But when it’s time for me to scale up from my initial experiments to ImageNet-size datasets (or larger) I often use mxnet to (1) build an efficiently packed dataset and then (2) train my network on multiple GPUs and/or multiple machines.
Since the Python bindings to mxnet are compiled C/C++ binaries I’m able to milk every last bit of performance out of my machine(s).
In fact, we use mxnet inside Deep Learning for Computer Vision with Python (in particular, the ImageNet Bundle) when training Convolutional Neural Networks on ImageNet and replicating state-of-the-art results for seminal papers, such as VGGNet, ResNet, SqueezeNet, etc..
In the remainder of this blog post you’ll learn how to install and configure mxnet for deep learning on your Ubuntu machine.
How to install mxnet for deep learning
In today’s blog post, I’m going to show you how to get mxnet for deep learning installed on your system in just 5 (relatively) easy steps.
The mxnet deep learning package is an Apache project and comes with great community support. To get started with mxnet I would recommend the tutorials and explanations here. Given the Apache community’s dedication (not to mention, Amazon’s) to mxnet for deep learning, I think it is here to stay for the foreseeable future.
Before we proceed to install mxnet, I’d like to point out that Step #4 is broken into:
- Step #4a for CPU-only users
- And Step #4b for GPU users.
The GPU install is by far trickier and there is the potential for error. These instructions have been tested and I’m confident that they will serve as a good guide for you during the installation process.
Let’s get started.
Step #1: Install prerequisites
First, you’ll want to make sure that your Ubuntu 16.04 or 14.04 system is up to date. You can execute the following commands to update packages from the Ubuntu repository:
$ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get upgrade
Next, let’s install some development tools, image/video I/O, GUI operations, and other packages (not all of these are 100% necessary, but you’ll want them installed if you’re doing work in deep learning or machine learning):
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake git unzip pkg-config $ sudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev libtiff5-dev libjasper-dev libpng12-dev $ sudo apt-get install libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libv4l-dev $ sudo apt-get install libxvidcore-dev libx264-dev $ sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-dev $ sudo apt-get install libhdf5-serial-dev graphviz $ sudo apt-get install libopenblas-dev libatlas-base-dev gfortran $ sudo apt-get install python-tk python3-tk python-imaging-tk
Third, let’s install Python header files:
$ sudo apt-get install python2.7-dev python3-dev
Now that we have the proper system prerequisites installed, let’s move on.
Step #2: Set up a virtual environment
Virtual environments are critical to Python development and are a standard practice. Python virtual environments allow developers to created multiple, isolated development environments on a single machine. You could even use Python virtual environments to install two different versions of a package from the Python Package Index or another source.
I highly encourage you to use virtual environments for deep learning. If you aren’t convinced, then take a look at this RealPython article on why Python virtual environments are a best practice.
For the purposes of the rest of this install guide, we’ll create a Python virtual environment named dl4cv
— this is the name of virtual environment used inside my book, Deep Learning for Computer Vision with Python. I chose the name dl4cv
to keep naming consistent across my books/blog posts. You can use a different name if you so wish.
First we’ll install PIP, a Python package manager. Then we’ll install Python virtual environments and a handy wrapper tool. Subsequently we’ll create a virtual environment and be on our way.
Let’s install pip
$ wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py $ sudo python get-pip.py $ sudo python3 get-pip.py
Then we’ll need to pip-install the two Python virtual environment libraries we’ll be using:
$ sudo pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper $ sudo rm -rf ~/.cache/pip get-pip.py
Now let’s update our ~/.bashrc
file to include the following lines at the bottom of the file:
# virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3 source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh
Now that ~/.bashrc
has been changed, we need to reload it:
$ source ~/.bashrc
You’ll see a few messages indicating that virtualenvwrapper
has configured itself on your system.
Creating the dl4cv virtual environment
For the purposes of my deep learning book we use Python 3, so let’s create a Python 3 environment on our system named dl4cv
. This environment will house relevant packages to deep learning and computer vision, particularly mxnet.
$ mkvirtualenv dl4cv -p python3
Each time you want to create a new virtual environment, simply supply a name and the Python version you’d like to use. It’s as simple as that. Today we just need the one environment, so let’s move on.
How do I know that I’m in the right environment or in an environment at all?
If you ever deactivate your virtual environment or restart your machine, you’ll need access your Python virtual environment before you resume your work.
To do this, simply use the workon
$ workon dl4cv
In this case I’ve supplied the name of my environment, dl4cv
, but you would want to specify the name of the environment you desire to work with.
To verify that you’re in the environment you’ll see (dl4cv)
before the bash prompt as is shown in the image below:
To exit your environment, simply deactivate it:
$ deactivate
And then you’ll see that the (dl4cv)
has been removed from the beginning of the bash prompt as in Figure 2.
Step #3: Install OpenCV into the dl4cv virtual environment
In this section we will install OpenCV into the dl4cv virtual environment. First we’ll download and unzip OpenCV 3.3. Then we will build and compile OpenCV from source. Finally we will test that OpenCV has been installed.
Install NumPy
First we’ll install NumPy into the virtual environment:
$ workon dl4cv $ pip install numpy
Download OpenCV
Next let’s download opencv and opencv_contrib into your home directory:
$ cd ~ $ wget -O opencv.zip https://github.com/Itseez/opencv/archive/3.3.1.zip $ wget -O opencv_contrib.zip https://github.com/Itseez/opencv_contrib/archive/3.3.1.zip
You will need to expand the commands above (using the “<=>” button) to copy and past the full path to the opencv_contrib
Then, let’s unzip both files:
$ unzip opencv.zip $ unzip opencv_contrib.zip
Running CMake
Let’s create a build
directory and run CMake:
$ cd ~/opencv-3.3.1/ $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE \ -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local \ -D WITH_CUDA=OFF \ -D INSTALL_PYTHON_EXAMPLES=ON \ -D OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=~/opencv_contrib-3.3.1/modules \ -D BUILD_EXAMPLES=ON ..
For CMake, it is important that your flags match mine for compatibility. Also, make sure that your opencv_contrib
version is identical to the OpenCV version you downloaded (in this case version 3.3.1
). If the versions do not match then your compile will fail.
Before we move on to the actual compilation step make sure you examine the output of CMake!
Start by scrolling to the section titled Python 3
Make sure that your Python 3 section looks like the figure below:
You’ll want to ensure that the Interpreter points to our python3.5
binary located in the dl4cv
virtual environment while numpy
points to our NumPy install.
In either case if you do not see the dl4cv
virtual environment in these variables’ paths, then it’s almost certainly because you are NOT in the dl4cv
virtual environment prior to running CMake!
If this is the case, access the dl4cv
virtual environment using workon dl4cv
and re-run the command outlined above (I would also suggest deleting the build
directory, re-creating it, and running CMake again).
Compiling OpenCV
Now we are now ready to compile OpenCV. Assuming that your cmake
command exited without error, ensure you are in the build
directory and execute the following command:
$ make -j4
Note: The -j
flag specifies the number of processor cores to use for the compile. In this case I used -j4
since my machine has four cores. If you run into compilation errors, you may run the command make clean
and then just compile without the parallel flag: make
From there, all you need to do is to install OpenCV 3.3 and then free up some disk space if you so desire:
$ sudo make install $ sudo ldconfig $ cd ~ $ rm -rf opencv-3.3.0 opencv.zip $ rm -rf opencv_contrib-3.3.1 opencv_contrib.zip
Symbolic linking OpenCV to your virtual environment
To sym-link our OpenCV bindings into the dl4cv
virtual environment, issue the following commands:
$ cd ~/.virtualenvs/dl4cv/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ $ ln -s /usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/cv2.cpython-35m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so cv2.so $ cd ~
Note: Again, make sure you use the “<=>” button in the toolbar above to expand the code block to grab the full ln
command (you don’t want to forget the cv2.so
Notice that I am using Python 3.5 in this example. If you are using Python 3.6 (or newer) you’ll want to update the paths above to use your specific Python version.
Secondly, your .so
file (i.e., the actual OpenCV bindings) may be some variant of what is shown above, so be sure to use the appropriate file by double-checking the path.
Testing your OpenCV 3.3 install
Now that we’ve got OpenCV 3.3 installed and linked, let’s do a quick sanity test to see if things work:
$ workon dl4cv $ python >>> import cv2 >>> cv2.__version__ '3.3.1'
Make sure you are in the dl4cv
virtual environment before firing up Python (workon dl4cv
). When you print out the version, it should match the version of OpenCV that you installed (in our case, OpenCV 3.3.1
That’s it — assuming you didn’t encounter an import error, you’re ready to go on to Step #4 where we will install mxnet.
Step #4
Follow the appropriate instructions for your system:
- Step #4.a: CPU-only mode
- Step #4.b: GPU mode
Step #4.a: Install mxnet for CPU-only mode
If you have a GPU machine and want to utilize your GPU(s) for deep learning with mxnet, then you should skip this step and proceed to Step #4.b — this section is intended for CPU-only usage.
Let’s clone the mxnet repository and checkout branch 0.11.0
— a branch tested for use with my book, Deep Learning for Computer Vision with Python:
$ cd ~ $ git clone --recursive https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet.git mxnet --branch 0.11.0
Then we can compile mxnet:
$ cd mxnet $ make -j4 \ USE_OPENCV=1 \ USE_BLAS=openblas
Finally, we need to sym-link mxnet to our dl4cv environment:
$ cd ~/.virtualenvs/dl4cv/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ $ ln -s ~/mxnet/python/mxnet mxnet $ cd ~
Note: Be sure not to delete the mxnet directory in your home folder. Our Python bindings live there and we’ll also need the files in ~/mxnet/bin
for creating serialized image datasets.
Step #4.b: Install mxnet for GPU mode
This step is only for GPU users. If you do not have a GPU on your machine please refer to the CPU-only instructions above.
First, we need to prepare our system to swap out the default drivers with NVIDIA CUDA drivers:
$ sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic linux-image-extra-virtual $ sudo apt-get install linux-source linux-headers-generic
We’re now going to install the CUDA Toolkit. This part of the installation requires that you pay attention to all instructions and beware of system warnings and errors.
First, disable the Nouveau kernel driver by creating a new file:
$ sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nouveau.conf
Then add the following lines to the file, followed by saving + exiting:
blacklist nouveau blacklist lbm-nouveau options nouveau modeset=0 alias nouveau off alias lbm-nouveau off
Your screen should look like this if you are using nano
, but feel free to use oter terminal text editors:
Don’t forget this key step where we update the initial RAM filesystem and reboot the machine:
$ echo options nouveau modeset=0 | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/nouveau-kms.conf $ sudo update-initramfs -u $ sudo reboot
If you are connected via SSH, your session will end and you’ll have to wait a short time before reconnecting.
Install CUDA
Now let’s grab the CUDA Toolkit v8.0 from the NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit website:
You should then select the appropriate download for your system. I’m assuming that you are using Ubuntu 16.04, so your browser should look like this:
Notice how I have selected Linux => x86_64 => Ubuntu => 16.04 runfile (local)
From that screen, download the -run
file which should have a filename of cuda_8.0.61_375.26_linux-run
or similar.
To do this, simply right click to copy the download link and use wget
back in your terminal download the file:
wget https://developer.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/8.0/Prod2/local_installers/cuda_8.0.61_375.26_linux-run
Important: At the time of this writing there is a minor discrepancy on the NVIDIA website. As shown in Figure 5 under the “Base Installer” download, the filename (as is written) ends with .run
. The actual downloadable file ends with -run
. You should be good to go in copying my wget
+ URL command for now unless NVIDIA changes the filename again.
Note: You will need to click the “<=>” button in the code block toolbar above to expand the code block. This will enable you to copy the full URL to the -run
From there all you need to do is unpack the -run
$ chmod +x cuda_8.0.61_375.26_linux-run $ mkdir installers $ sudo ./cuda_8.0.61_375.26_linux-run -extract=`pwd`/installers
Executing the -run
script can take about a minute.
Now let’s install the NVIDIA kernel driver:
$ cd installers $ sudo ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-375.26.run
You’ll need to follow the prompts on the screen during this step, one of which is to accept the EULA.
Then we can add the NVIDIA loadable kernel module to the Linux kernel:
$ modprobe nvidia
And finally, install the CUDA toolkit and examples:
$ sudo ./cuda-linux64-rel-8.0.61-21551265.run $ sudo ./cuda-samples-linux-8.0.61-21551265.run
You will need to accept licenses and follow prompts again. When it asks you to specify installation paths, you can press <enter> to accept the defaults.
Now that the NVIDIA CUDA driver and tools are installed, let’s update ~/.bashrc
to include the CUDA Toolkit using nano:
$ nano ~/.bashrc
Append these lines to the end of the file:
# NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit export PATH=/usr/local/cuda-8.0/bin:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-8.0/lib64/
Next, reload the ~/.bashrc
and test the CUDA Toolkit installation by compiling + running the deviceQuery
example program:
$ source ~/.bashrc $ cd /usr/local/cuda-8.0/samples/1_Utilities/deviceQuery $ sudo make $ ./deviceQuery deviceQuery, CUDA Driver = CUDART, CUDA Driver Version = 8.0, CUDA Runtime Version = 8.0, NumDevs = 1, Device0 = Tesla K80 Result = PASS
From here, if you have a Result = PASS
, then we’re ready to install cuDNN.
Install cuDNN
For this step, you will need to Create a free account with NVIDIA and download cuDNN.
For this tutorial be sure to download cuDNN v6.0 for Linux which is what TensorFlow requires (presuming you want to install TensorFlow on your deep learning machine alongside mxnet).
NVIDIA requires authentication to access the download, therefore you won’t be able to use wget
to download the file.
If you’re on a local machine you can simply download the cuDNN archive via your web browser.
However, if you are on a remote machine (i.e., SSH’ing into a machine) you’ll want to first download the file to your local machine and then use scp
to transfer the file (while replacing username
and your_ip_address
with your appropriate values, of course):
$ scp -i EC2KeyPair.pem ~/Downloads/cudnn-8.0-linux-x64-v6.0.tgz \ username@your_ip_address:~
Now that the file is on your remote GPU machine (EC2 in my case), untar the file and then copy the resulting files into lib64
and include
respectively, using the -P
switch to preserve sym-links:
$ cd ~ $ tar -zxf cudnn-8.0-linux-x64-v6.0.tgz $ cd cuda $ sudo cp -P lib64/* /usr/local/cuda/lib64/ $ sudo cp -P include/* /usr/local/cuda/include/ $ cd ~
That’s it for installing cuDNN — this step was rather easy so as long as you preserved sym-links, you should be good to go.
Install mxnet with CUDA
Let’s clone the mxnet repository and checkout branch 0.11.0
which has been tested for Deep Learning for Computer Vision with Python:
$ cd ~ $ git clone --recursive https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet.git mxnet --branch 0.11.0
Then we can compile mxnet:
$ cd mxnet $ make -j4 \ USE_OPENCV=1 \ USE_BLAS=openblas \ USE_CUDA=1 \ USE_CUDA_PATH=/usr/local/cuda \ USE_CUDNN=1
And finally we need to sym-link mxnet to our dl4cv
$ cd ~/.virtualenvs/dl4cv/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ $ ln -s ~/mxnet/python/mxnet mxnet $ cd ~
Note: Be sure not to delete the mxnet directory in your home folder. Our Python bindings live there and we’ll also need the files in ~/mxnet/bin
for creating serialized image datasets.
Step #5: Validating install
The last step is to test if mxnet has been properly installed:
$ workon dl4cv $ python >>> import mxnet >>>
If mxnet imports without errors, then congratulations — you have successfully installed mxnet for deep learning.
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In today’s blog post you learned how to install mxnet for deep learning on your Ubuntu machine for both CPU only and GPU-based training.
Once you start using mxnet you’ll find that it:
- Includes Caffe-like binaries to help you build efficiently backed image record files (which will save you a lot of disk space).
- Provides a Keras-like API to building deep neural networks (although mxnet is certainly more verbose than Keras).
Now that you have your deep learning environment configured, I suggest you take the next step and check out my brand new book, Deep Learning for Computer Vision with Python.
Inside the book you’ll start by learning the fundamentals of deep learning and then graduate to more advanced content, including training networks on the challenging ImageNet dataset from scratch.
You’ll also find my personal blueprint/best practices that I use to determine which deep learning techniques to apply when confronted with a new problem.
To learn more about Deep Learning for Computer Vision with Python, just click here.
Otherwise, be sure to enter your email address in the form below to be notified when new blog posts are published here on PyImageSearch.
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Enter your email address below to join the PyImageSearch Newsletter and download my FREE 17-page Resource Guide PDF on Computer Vision, OpenCV, and Deep Learning.