Did you watch the Super Bowl this past weekend?
I did. Kind of.
I spent Super Bowl Sunday (which is practically a holiday in the United States) at my favorite Indian bar.
Pounding Kingfisher beers.
Savoring a delicious dish of Tandoori chicken…
…all while hacking up a storm on my laptop and coding up some custom image classifiers, object detectors, & object trackers for the PyImageSearch Gurus computer vision course.
And oh yeah — the Super Bowl game was on in the background. Can’t say I watched much of it though, I was too busy with my nose in my laptop, looking like a deranged programmer! I’m sure it was a peculiar sight to see.
Anyway, I’m posting this article today because I wanted to share with you the results of my Indian beer fueled hacking binge…a preview of the image classifiers, object detectors, and object trackers we’ll be building inside PyImageSearch Gurus.
Let’s start off with something simple, training your own face detector:
Here you can see that I have trained my custom object detector using the Histogram of Oriented Gradients descriptor and a Linear SVM to detect faces from the cast of Back to the Future.
And here I have trained another custom object detector using Histogram of Oriented Gradients to detect the presence of a car in an image:
Let’s do something a little more complicated now. In the below image I have trained a Pyramid of Bag of Visual Words (PBOW) and a Pyramid of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (PHOG) to recognize images from the popular CALTECH-101 dataset:
As another example, I have trained a classifier to tell the difference between Fido and Mrs. Whiskers on the ASIRRA Cats vs. Dogs dataset:
Lastly, I utilized keypoint detection, local invariant descriptors, and keypoint matching to track the cover of a video game box in a real-time video stream:
Really cool, right?
These techniques aren’t magic — and I guarantee that you can learn them yourself.
Join PyImageSearch Gurus before the door closes…
As you can see, we’ll be learning a lot of actionable skills inside the PyImageSearch Gurus course. From custom image classifiers, to object detectors, to real-time object tracking, you’re guaranteed to become a computer vision master inside the PyImageSearch Gurus course.
So if you’re interested in uncovering these techniques and becoming a computer vision master, I would definitely suggest joining me inside PyImageSearch Gurus!
Once the Kickstarter ends you will not be able to enroll in PyImageSearch Gurus again until August! This is your chance! Be sure to get in now…
There are still a few seats left open in the PyImageSearch Gurus course, so definitely act now and claim your spot!
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